
Jason Prigge sends a message of love

Jason Prigge sends a message of love

July 14, 2024 | 6:00 a.m.

Local News, Ryan Brahm

Jason Prigge sends a message of love

The following letter was written by Jason Prigge and was read at a candlelight vigil on Saturday evening.
I want to thank everyone for being here tonight. When something as life-changing as this happens, we are pushed to our human limits.

Our lives will never be the same again.
We cannot go back, we can only go forward.
Since I was conscious throughout the entire ordeal, all I could do was look at Tina bleeding to death in the ditch and scream how much I loved her. I couldn’t move because my motorcycle was stuck on me. All I could do was scream: “I love you, Tina! You can do this!”
Then something magical happened. People stopped, got out of their cars and started to comfort me and take care of her.
I was in shock and my shattered leg was bleeding heavily.
When I look back, what I remember most is the kindness of the helpers. Ordinary people helping ordinary people who had just found themselves in an untenable situation.
Mr Rodgers said: “When I was a boy and saw scary things on the news, my mother always said to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who will help.'”
I believe that the majority of people are good and that they can show that goodness and perform miracles if given the opportunity.
My higher power is the love that exists between Tina and me and the love we have for the community. It is the fuel that drives me every day.
Although I suffered a serious injury, Tina is in critical condition. If I could trade places with her, I would do it without hesitation. She is the best of us.
She has a long road ahead of her and needs our help. She needs love and support to see a future.
Losing limbs is terrible, but I have not lost my beautiful wife. She is alive and fighting.
Let us all focus on the love we have for one another. Think of your own family and support them as well. Think of the lonely and needy in our community.
You are here to show us your support, but know that I am here to support you too.
We’ve got a short ride ahead of us on this wild rock hurtling through space. Let’s do something to make the trip worthwhile.
Love each other.
Always, not just when it’s convenient or you feel like it. Love is a daily exercise, a daily meditation.
Thank you all for your love and support. We are not the only ones suffering. Acknowledge your own pain and the pain of your neighbors. Support them and together we can do miracles as normal people. The magic is in you.
We love you all and I know if Tina could speak she would agree.
Love one another deeply. We are all one.
Blessings and strength to you all.