
Singer Shakira speaks at the United Nations about Syria and early childhood development

Singer Shakira speaks at the United Nations about Syria and early childhood development

Shakira says children should not "Paying the price of war"

Shakira says children should not “pay the price of war”

On September 22, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and two-time Grammy Award winner Shakira spoke at a UN press conference about the current Syrian migrant and refugee crisis. The Colombian singer described the crisis as “one of the greatest humanitarian crises of our time.” She said:

“We all have a responsibility today and cannot evade it, neither the heads of state and government of the world nor we as civil society. We must come together and demand a just way out of this humanitarian crisis. Because the refugees have a right to a home.”

Shakira stressed that the crisis can only be alleviated if nations come together to find a common solution. She said:

“This is not an easy problem to solve, but I am sure that nations together could find an intelligent path and solution to this urgent problem, in the name of Aylan Kurdi and Galip Kurdi, the two boys who lost their lives.”

In addition to speaking about the refugee crisis, Shakira also called on world leaders to invest in early childhood development during the conference. Her call follows a recent revolutionary shift in our understanding of deprivation and stress and their lasting impact on young children’s brain development. During the press conference, Shakira said:

“More than 100 million children are out of school and 159 million boys and girls under the age of five are physically and mentally stunted due to lack of care and nutrition. Every year that passes without significant investment in early childhood development and initiatives to address these problems, millions of children are born into the same cycle of poverty and lack of opportunity.”

Shakira further explained that the early stages of brain development are the most intense and crucial as they help develop the ability to learn, adapt and cope with adversity. Unfortunately, nearly a third of all children under the age of 5 in low- and middle-income countries do not have the resources necessary to facilitate such rapid growth and development. Shakira said:

%shareLinks-quote=”UNICEF and I have joined forces and are here today because investing early in children is urgent and we have not another minute to lose.”” type=”quote” author=”Shakira” authordesc=” isquoteoftheday=%

While children’s brain development can be negatively affected by malnutrition and an increase in toxic stress, certain low-cost interventions such as breastfeeding, playing with children and formal early education programs can support healthy brain development. Therefore, Shakira is working with UNICEF to encourage significant investment in such low-cost interventions. Anthony Lake, UNICEF’s Executive Director, said:

“What we learn about all the elements that affect a child’s brain – whether their body is well nourished, whether their mind is stimulated, whether they are protected from violence – must change the way we think about early childhood development and the way we act. To give every child a fair chance in life, we must invest early, fairly and intelligently – not just in education, but also in health, nutrition and protection.”

Studies show that every dollar spent on improving early childhood development yields, on average, four to five times the amount invested. So investing in early childhood development offers investors significant long-term benefits. Shakira said:

“Translating these new insights into action can change the lives of millions of the most disadvantaged children. The knowledge is irrefutable. The moral argument is strong. The investment case is compelling. We have the momentum of the SDGs on our side. And the power to act is in our hands.”

Shakira attended the press conference along with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake, Dr. Jack P. Shonkoff, Director of the Harvard University Center on the Developing Child, and business leaders attending a private event on early childhood development at the United Nations in New York.

Early childhood development can help improve health, nutrition and gender equality in low- and middle-income groups while reducing stress and violence.

Click through this slideshow to see pictures of Shakira at the press conference:

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