
Your Voice: What does the summer heat teach us about the gospel?

Your Voice: What does the summer heat teach us about the gospel?

By Adam B. Dooley
Pastor of Englewood Baptist Church in Jackson, Tennessee

From Birmingham to Manhattan, across to Los Angeles and everywhere in between, the summer of 2024 is shaping up to be the hottest season on record.

Families roast on the playing fields. An outdoor wedding feels like falling into a burning ring of fire. The health-conscious can’t get up early enough to escape the heat. Conversations between strangers turn to the weather faster than a Dairy Queen ice cream cone can melt in your hand.

I’m not saying it’s wrong to empathize with our sweaty misery, but it reminds me of another passionate dialogue about the summer heat that took place a long time ago.

After preaching in the city of Nineveh, the reluctant prophet Jonah fled to the east, where he sat under a homemade shelter and lamented God’s mercy toward others (Jonah 4:1-5).

In a lesson in priority, the Lord caused a large plant to grow to provide shade for Jonah and protect him from the scorching rays of the sun. (Jonah 4:6)

Wrong priorities

The prophet’s enthusiasm for the plant far exceeded his joy at the salvation of the sinners in the city.

Likewise, Jonah was much more distressed by his discomfort when God stirred up a worm to attack the plant and cause it to die than by the lostness of the people around him (Jonah 4:7). He even lamented his own life, blindly speculating that death was better than the torment of the heat of the sun (Jonah 4:8).

In a moment of exposure, God challenged Jonah’s hypocritical priorities by comparing his great compassion for a plant with his lack of compassion for the souls of men (Jonah 4:10-11).

We do not know how the prophet responded, perhaps intentionally, because the open ending of the book invites us to delve into the story. How would we have responded to the Lord? Do we show more concern for the temporal or the eternal?

God calls every Christian to bear witness on earth to the death, burial and resurrection of Christ (Acts 1:8).

He commissions us to make disciples of all nations by going, baptizing and teaching (Matthew 28:19–20).

As salt and light, we should let our light shine before others so that they may see our good works and praise our Father in heaven (Matthew 5:13-16).

Because Jesus Christ is not a good way to heaven, nor even the best way to heaven, but the ONLY WAY to heaven, grief for the lost should break our hearts more than any trivial occupation or possession.

“No greater privilege”

Other than knowing Jesus personally, there is no greater privilege than introducing another person to our Savior. Yet, unfortunately, this summer you may hear believers talking more about the weather than about the unbelieving friend or neighbor they are praying for and sharing with.

News of a heat wave may worry us more than the eternal lake of fire and brimstone that will serve as the final resting place for those who do not believe in Christ. (Rev. 20:11-15)

Only Christ can save sinners, so believers should not feel pressured to guarantee results when they preach the gospel. (1 Cor. 3:7) But we can proclaim with confidence that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. (Rom. 10:13)

Because Christ died for our sins according to Scripture and was buried and resurrected on the third day according to Scripture (1 Cor. 15:3-4), we should, without excuse or favor, offer our repentance for our sins (Luke 13:3) and our faith in Jesus (Rom. 10:9-10) as the gateway to the Kingdom of God.

Every day we meet people who need Jesus where we live, work and play, at school, at work, in parks, hospitals and restaurants.

Do we not care? Or does the eternal lostness of our neighbors elicit little more than an apathetic yawn from us?

Do we find future weather patterns more interesting and the summer heat more disturbing? Or does God’s priority to seek and save the lost determine the priorities of our lives?

Jonah became desensitized to God’s plan for the world, but that doesn’t have to be the case for us.

When was the last time you shared your faith? How long has it been since you prayed for a lost friend? Who will you take to church with you on Sunday?

Reflections on the Faith of a Patriot

By Tony Martin
The Baptist Report

As the sun rose and set on this Fourth of July, pride filled us with joy. Fireworks lit up the sky and flags fluttered in the wind, reminding us of the freedoms we hold so dear. But amid the celebrations, there is cause for a deeper reflection: What does it mean to be a Christian first and a patriot second?

Our world and its systems are broken. Everywhere we look, we see evidence of this. Wars rage, injustices persist, and divisions deepen.

It is easy to get swept up in the tide of current events and become overly concerned about the political, social and economic upheavals that seem to dominate our times. As Christians, however, our primary commitment is not to a country or an ideology, but to God.

Stay focused

Being a patriot is neither a sin nor something to be ashamed of. In fact, caring about your country, worrying about its future, and being passionate about its values ​​can be commendable. But our passion and concern must be properly ordered.

Colossians 3:1-4 (ESV) reminds us: “If then you have been raised with Christ, set your minds on things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on earthly things. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.”

This passage calls us to look beyond the earthly and focus on the eternal. It is a challenge to prioritize our heavenly citizenship over our earthly one.

“(I want others) to understand that God is purposeful, even if they don’t like the ‘now’ they are facing,” said Ruth Chou-SimonsAuthor, artist, and founder of GraceLaced who wrote “Now and Not Yet: Urging When You’re Waiting, Wanting, and Restlessly Seeking More.” “God is at work, and He doesn’t waste time. Some of the best ways God redeems His story come from times when you’re very hidden and may look like the opposite of success.”

“We felt like we had a little glimpse of heaven. People from different parts of the world, speaking different languages ​​and all worshipping the same God, was incredible,” said Stephen MillerMember and Director of Singing Churchmen. The group recently traveled to Puerto Rico to host a week-long music camp with Iglesia Bautista Logos and Logos Baptist Academy.

“What we need more than anything is to create an environment where these association leaders can be successful in what they do. That is what I want to achieve overall,” said Ken Allenwho moves into the role of Director of Association Missions and Church Planting for the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions.

“It is so important for families to have early conversations before anything happens and to ensure that wishes such as financial and medical power of attorney are expressed,” explained Lisa AndersonFocus on the Family spokesperson who cared for her mother before she died. “These conversations will set you up for success rather than panicking in the event of an emergency. Talk to your siblings in advance about how they can help with the paperwork so no one’s feelings come into play.”

“I pray that the Olympic campaign will be a starting point, a springboard for the planting of a church in Paris,” said Jason Harriswho is leading the IMB’s Olympic activities in Paris this summer.

“You never know when the opportunity to serve will be at your feet. Don’t bury your faith in the sand,” said Ken Lassretired Birmingham television news and sports anchor who writes a column for The Alabama Baptist.

“I noticed that you mentioned the blood of the Lamb and the words of our testimony in the same sentence, so both have incredible power. We build our whole lives on faith and knowledge of the richness of the blood of the Lamb, but (often) we disqualify our testimony. I just believe that our testimony with the blood of the Lamb has so much power,” said Laney ReneAuthor of Daughter: Becoming Who You Already Are and founder of The One He Loves ministry.

“People try to get rid of their grief as quickly as possible because they think it is a matter of holding on to loss, but in reality grief is a matter of holding on to love, and that is why you always feel it,” he noted. Leah WilsonSenior ministry director at First Baptist Church Foley, Alabama, talks about GriefShare courses. “It’s just a perfect way to put it. If you didn’t love someone, you won’t grieve. That’s grief. It’s love.”