
50 iconic Shakespeare quotes about love

50 iconic Shakespeare quotes about love

Has a more romantic writer ever lived than William Shakespeare? When it came to words of love, no one did it better than the Bard. Looking for an iconic line for your wedding vows, anniversary card, or love letter? Then these 50 iconic Shakespeare quotes about love are just for you.

Should I compare you to a summer day?
You are more lovable and moderate.

-Sonnet 18

Doubt that the stars are fire,
Doubt that the sun moves its helpers,
Doubt the truth to be a liar,
But never doubt that I love.

-Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2

My gifts are as limitless as the sea,
My love is so deep. The more I give you,
The more I have, because both are infinite.

-Romeo and Juliet, Act 2, Scene 2

The course of true love has never been smooth.
-A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act 1, Scene 1

50 iconic Shakespeare quotes about love
A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Shakespeare in the Park, 2017
Photo credit: Joan Marcus

Love is not love
That changes when it finds change,
Or bend with the remover to remove:
Oh no! It is an eternal sign
That defies the storms and is never shaken.

-Sonnet 116

Love happens by chance;
Some cupids kill with arrows, some with traps.

-Much Ado About Nothing, Act 3, Scene 2

I love nothing in the world as much as you.
Isn’t that strange?

-Much Ado About Nothing, Act 4, Scene 1

If music is the food of love, keep playing.
Give me too much of that, oversaturation,
Appetite may decrease and thus be lost.

-Twelfth Night, Act 1, Scene 1

Speak softly when you speak of love.
-Much Ado About Nothing, Act 2, Scene 1

The sight of lovers nourishes the lovers.
-As You Like It, Act 2, Scene 4

Who has ever loved without falling in love at first sight?
-As You Like It, Act 3, Scene 5

50 iconic Shakespeare quotes about love
As You Like It: Shakespeare in the Park, 2022
Photo credit: Joan Marcus

There is a begging spirit in love that can be reckoned with.
-Antony and Cleopatra, Act 1, Scene 1

She is beautiful and therefore charming.
She is a woman and therefore up for grabs.

-Henry VI, Part 1, Act 5, Scene 2

A heart to love, and in this heart
Courage to make your love known.

-Macbeth, Act 2, Scene 3

I don’t want any other companion in the world than you.
-The Tempest, Act 3, Scene 1

Love is like a child,
That longs for everything it can get.

-The Two Gentlemen from Verona, Act 3, Scene 1

So you are for my thoughts like food for life,
Or like sweet-spiced showers of rain falling upon the earth.

-Sonnet 75

The eyes of a lover stare blindly at an eagle.
The ear of a lover hears the slightest sound,
When the suspected thief is stopped.
The feeling of love is gentler and more sensitive
Than the delicate horns of sea snails.
And when love speaks, the voice of all gods
Make the sky sleepy with harmony.

-Love’s Labour’s Lost, Act 4, Scene 3

Love is blind, and lovers cannot see
The pretty follies they commit themselves.

-The Merchant of Venice, Act 2, Scene 6

Sought love is good;
But given unsolicited is better.

-Twelfth Night, Act 3, Scene 1

I want to love you and live my life with you.
-The Comedy of Errors, Act 3, Scene 2

50 iconic Shakespeare quotes about love
Much Ado About Nothing: Shakespeare in the Park, 2019
Photo credit: Joan Marcus

When you leave me,
The sorrow remains and happiness says goodbye.

-Much Ado About Nothing, Act 1, Scene 1

What is love? It is no longer there.
Present happiness brings present laughter.

-Twelfth Night, Act 2, Scene 3

Come, whatever sorrow may,
It cannot compensate for the exchange of joy,
This one brief minute gives me her gaze.

-Romeo and Juliet, Act 2, Scene 6

Your passions consist of nothing
But the most beautiful thing is pure love.

-Anotony & Cleopatra, Act 3, Scene 5

She loved me for the dangers I had gone through,
And I loved that she felt sorry for them.

-Othello, Act 1, Scene 3

His unkindness can destroy my life,
But never tarnish my love.

-Othello, Act 4, Scene 2

When you dance, I wish you
A wave of the sea that you could ever do
Nothing but that.

-The Winter’s Tale, Act 4, Scene 4

Love is a smoke that rises from the fumes of sighs.
To be purified, a fire that sparkles in the eyes of a lover;
Angry, a sea fed by tears of love:
What else is it? A highly discreet madness,
A suffocating bile and a preserving candy.

-Romeo and Juliet, Act 1, Scene 1

Your sweet love reminds me of such wealth
That I then despise exchanging my status with that of the kings.

-Sonnet 29

I love you more than words can express.
More valuable than sight, space and freedom.

-King Lear, Act 1, Scene 1

Love begins with time,
And time qualifies the spark and the fire of it.

-Hamlet, Act 4, Scene 7

50 iconic Shakespeare quotes about love
Hamlet: Shakespeare in the Park, 2023
Photo credit: Joan Marcus

Love does not see with the eyes, but with the mind,
And that is why the winged Cupid is painted blind.

-A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act 1, Scene 1

If you do not remember the slightest folly
In what love has ever led you,
You didn’t love.

-As You Like It, Act 2, Scene 3

What is light if Sylvia is not seen?
What is joy when Sylvia is not there?

-The Two Gentlemen from Verona, Act 3, Scene 1

From time to time people died,
And worms ate them,
But not out of love.

-As You Like It, Act 4, Scene 1

Be wise and love,
Exceeds the power of man

-Troilus & Cressida, Act 3, Scene 2

Hear my soul speak:
The moment I saw you,
My heart flies to your service.

-The Tempest, Act 3, Scene 1

This bud of love through the ripening breath of summer,
Might prove to be a beautiful flower at our next meeting.

-Romeo and Juliet, Act 2, Scene 1

The vows of men are the traitors of women.
-Cymbeline, Act 3, Scene 4

Oh, how similar this source of love is,
The uncertain splendor of an April day,
Which now shows the full beauty of the sun,
And little by little a cloud takes everything away.

-The Two Gentlemen from Verona, Act 1, Scene 3

Is this the generation of love?
Hot blood, hot thoughts and hot deeds?
Why, they are vipers.
Is love a generation of vipers?

-Troilus & Cressida, Act 3, Scene 1

They are in the anger of love,
And they will go together.
Crosses cannot separate them.

-As You Like It, Act 5, Scene 2

Lovers are always running after the clock.
-The Merchant of Venice, Act 2, Scene 6

Through my courtship of you I have gained a heaven on earth.
All’s well that ends well, Act 4, Scene 2

Oh, that love, so gentle in his eyes,
Should be so tyrannical and harsh in proof.

-Romeo and Juliet, Act 1, Scene 1

I won’t let myself be sworn, but love could turn me into an oyster.
-Much Ado About Nothing, Act 2, Scene 3

Mistress, you know it yourself, on your knees,
And thank heaven, fasting, for the love of a good man.

-As You Like It, Act 3, Scene 5

For where you are, there is the world itself,
And where you are not, there is desolation.

-Henry VI, Part 2, Act 3, Scene 2

I know no way to crush it in love,
But to say “I love you” directly.

-Henry V, Act 5, Scene 2