comedian David Baddiel entertains us with his Books that make you laugh for a whole decade!

His hilarious stories tell of Video game controller with special PowersA wheelchair turned into a fast great cara child whose boring presentation in class somehow catches him viral fameand much more!

Click here for a funny interview with the author

But how well do you know David Baddiel’s books? Take this funny quiz find out…

Just read the three statements about some of David’s most popular books and decide which two are true And which is a big stinking lie

The parent agency

1. The main character, Barry Bennettdiscovered a magical agency where children can vote new parents.

2. A set of parents that Barry wishes for live in a gymwith televisions powered by treadmills.

3. The head of the agency is a talking dog called Pugsley.

Birthday child

1. The protagonist (main character), Sam GreenWishes for a Shooting Star that it be Birthday daily.

2. Sam embarks on an adventure to find his missing grandpa.

3. One of Sams Birthday wishes is to travel through Time and meet his future self.

Future boyfriend

1. In the year 3020, pip takes part virtual school she wears G-glasses.

2. Pip can’t leave her Living room because of the swarm of Locusts outside!

3. Pip is sent far back in time to 2019 where she meets Young inventor Rahul.

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1. Malcolmthe main character, must fight against a GIANT cat with a Chicken head.

2. After a Goat sets a curse on Malcolm, he keeps waking up as different animals.

3. Malcolm’s house is full of petseven though he doesn’t like animals!

Enter your answers!

Choose which of the statements you think is a lie!
