
30 civil society organisations from Tigray call for urgent measures to protect Tigrayan refugees in Sudan

30 civil society organisations from Tigray call for urgent measures to protect Tigrayan refugees in Sudan

A coalition of civil society organizations from Tigray has issued an urgent appeal for the protection of tens of thousands of Tigrayan refugees currently in Sudan. The appeal comes as the ongoing conflict between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) puts these refugees in imminent danger. These refugees fled identity-based persecution, international humanitarian and human rights violations, and international crimes.

The organizations point out that over 80,000 Tigrayans living in camps such as Um-Rakuba and Tunaydbah are at risk of becoming victims of the conflict. The recent evacuation of humanitarian workers due to the fighting has exacerbated the crisis and denied refugees access to essential services.

In a coordinated statement, civil society groups in Tigray made several urgent appeals:

– They call on the Federal Government of Ethiopia to ensure the safe and voluntary repatriation of Tigrayan refugees and stress the need for protection and dignified treatment upon their return.

– They call on the Tigray Transitional Regional Administration to work with federal and international bodies to support the repatriation and safety of returning refugees.

– They call on the Sudanese Armed Forces (Sudanese Armed Forces) to avoid attacks on refugee camps and to ensure the safety of civilians during military operations.

– They call on the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) to cease hostilities near the refugee camps and allow the delivery of humanitarian aid.

– They call on the AU Monitoring, Verification and Compliance Mission (MVCM) to enforce the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement, with particular attention to the safety of refugees.

– They call on the international community, including the US, EU and Canada, to put pressure on the warring parties to protect Tigrayan refugees and support their relocation to safer areas.

– They call on international organisations such as UNHCR, IOM, UNOCHA and OHCHR to step up their efforts to protect and assist refugees.

The declaration was co-signed by:

Alliance of Civil Society Organizations of Tigray (coalition of 124 civil society organizations in Tigray)
Arya Women and Children Charity
Chain of love for the development of people and the environment
Dekna Foundation
Egbet Association for Mental Disabilities
Gorzo – A movement to empower women
Heal our people
Hope Civil Society Organization
Human rights first
Human Rights in Action – Ethiopia
Irob Anina Civil Society
Legacy Tigray
Miknay Development Association
Nolawi Organization for Reconstruction and Development of Women and Children
Organisation for social services, health and development
Peace and Justice for Tigreans International
Rise and Shine Women’s Empowerment Center
Rise up for Tigray

Sustainable Technology Solutions (STS)
Tesfa Hiwot HIV-positive Women’s Association of Tigray
Tigray Action Committee
Tsilal West Tigray Civil Society
Tigray Youth Network
Solidarity of Tigrayans for independence and freedom
Safer Ethiopia
Sunrise Aid Organization
Voice for democracy and social justice
Yikhono – A movement against gender-based violence

The Coalition stresses that immediate and decisive action is essential to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe and to protect the rights and safety of Tigrayan refugees. The international community is urged not to ignore this crisis. A concerted effort is needed to prevent further harm and ensure the well-being of Tigrayan refugees in Sudan.