
Singer seeks help abroad after life-saving hip surgery

Singer seeks help abroad after life-saving hip surgery

PWell-known singer Jan Keiser, daughter of famous singer Carlyn Leacock, has asked for public support following her costly hip surgery in Lithuania.

The former lead singer of Spice and Company and key member of the First Baptist Church worship team underwent the procedure to treat injuries he sustained in a near-fatal car accident several decades ago.

Her uncle, Pastor Paul Leacock, told Barbados TODAY that the collision, in which a truck overtook another vehicle and collided with Keiser’s car, left her with permanent physical trauma that ultimately required the surgery.

“Jan is not the type to stay quiet for long. She looks forward to returning to pastoring on Sundays at her First Baptist Church and in any other forums in which she may appear from time to time,” said Pastor Leacock.

To cover the high medical costs and ongoing therapy costs, a benefit concert, For the love of Janwill be held at 6:30 p.m. Saturday at the First Baptist Church on Constitution Road. Admission is free and participants are asked to donate generously.

The event will feature numerous artists, including Tamara Marshall, Paula Hinds, ZigE Walcott, Pastor Leacock, and the First Baptist Church choir and liturgical dancers.

Concert organizers hope the community will support Keiser, described as “one of the most beloved members of the Leacock singing clan,” in her recovery and resumption of her musical activities.

Keiser, who is now back home to recover, said she was surprised to find that several other Barbadians had undergone surgery at the same facility in Lithuania where she had been.