
‘That’s all?’: Gears of War fans can’t decide which installment of the franchise everyone will be hoping for Gears of War: E-Day doesn’t matter

‘That’s all?’: Gears of War fans can’t decide which installment of the franchise everyone will be hoping for Gears of War: E-Day doesn’t matter

Even popular classics like Gears of War are not immune to having levels that are completely disappointing, whether they occur just once or more often.

While waiting for E-Tag is running, it’s time to take a walk down memory lane and reflect on some of the series’ low points and hope that the next release won’t include more levels of this caliber.

Gears of War has its ups and downs

An in-game screenshot from Gears of War 2.
Gears of War is not without its flaws. | Photo credit: The Coalition

You can love a game as much as you want, but even you have to admit that there are parts you would change if you could.

In the Gears of War Franchise, people can’t seem to decide what exactly that is.disappointing level“ that they would change or delete.

That’s not to say there are too many of them, but people approach the issue with completely different perspectives and preferences, so it’s interesting to see the variety of answers given.

Most disappointing level of the series?
by u/Just_Visit6998 in GearsOfWar

For the OP that sparked this fascinating debate, they called the Corpser Battle of the first transmission game, and for good reason. The first half of the game really ramps up the combat.

After shedding blood, sweat and tears to finally reach the third act and face this “several floors high“Monstrosity of death. All you have to do to bring it down is punch it in the belly a few times until the ground beneath it breaks open.

OP had the second and third transmission game much earlier than the first one, so they had high expectations of what it would be like.

To make matters worse, the fight is so fast that you can defeat the Corpser before Wretches appear 30 seconds into the level.

Fans discuss the most disappointing level

An in-game screenshot from Gears of War 2.
There were more than a few moments that fans were unhappy with. | Image credit: The Coalition

With so many expectations of Gears of War: E-Dayone can hope that the coalition will not repeat its mistakes. The Corpser fight was not the only answer. One answer called the Skorge fight from Gears of War 2.

byu/Just_Visit6998 from the discussion

Similar to the encounter with the Corpser, the tension was kept high until the actual fight, where pressing “B” guaranteed that everything would go smoothly.

byu/Just_Visit6998 from the discussion

On the other hand, the fight against RAAM was incredibly difficult and unforgettable, whether played alone or in co-op mode.

This would undoubtedly be an unforgettable battle for many people, especially if they played the game in their youth.

byu/Just_Visit6998 from the discussion

Some players have reached this level in the second Gears of Warwhere to use the Grindlift during Operation: Hollow Storm.

We expected a huge fight, but instead we got the usual clash between Marcus and co. and swarms of Locusts. However, that wouldn’t have been possible with the Xbox 360 hardware at the time.

We would like to know if you have experienced any disappointing moments in the Gears of War franchise. And on the other hand, which ones are the best? Let us know in the comments below!