
Exciting picture books for young readers | Books and authors

Exciting picture books for young readers | Books and authors

“The Blue Canoe”

  • Sheryl McFarlane, illustrated by Laurel Aylesworth
  • Family

  • 2024, 33 pages

  • ISBN: 9781641709156

  • From 4 years

The blue canoe

“The Blue Canoe” is a wonderful nature picture book about a mother and her daughter who enjoy canoeing on a lake and admiring the flora and fauna, writes Glenn Perrett.

The Blue Canoe is a wonderful nature picture book about a mother and her daughter who enjoy canoeing on a lake and admiring the flora and fauna. The animals they see on their trip include a heron, a trout, a kingfisher, a family of otters and a family of mallards. They also talk about the new baby that will soon become part of their family and how it might bring about changes that they will have to deal with, making it a good book about changing family dynamics.

The book shows the strong bond between mother and daughter while reassuring the child that although a new family member brings changes, their bond and love for each other will not change.

One day this tree will fall

“One day this tree will fall” is an extraordinary nature picture book that deals with the life of a Douglas fir and its many possible uses.

“One day this tree will fall”

  • Leslie Barnard Booth, illustrated by Stephanie Fizer Coleman

  • Margaret K. McElderry Books

  • 2024, 40 pages

  • ISBN: 9781534496965

  • From 4 years

Someday This Tree Will Fall is an extraordinary nature picture book that explores the life of a Douglas fir and its many uses. The story begins with a seed falling and starting to grow in the soil. Then the tree grows and thrives despite wind, ice, drought, and even fire. The tree becomes shelter, food, and home for other species. Eventually the tree dies, but continues to be useful to animals. Finally, the tree falls to the ground, where it continues to benefit animals – big and small – as well as other things like moss and fungi. Finally, the tree becomes “…a nutrient-rich addition to the soil,” which is an ideal place for another seed to take root.

This informative book describes the life of a tree and how it benefits numerous species. Excellent illustrations accompany the simple text. In the back of the book there is additional information about the “life,” “death,” and “afterlife” of trees, as well as a “Trees and People” section and a good glossary. This book is an excellent story for teachers, parents, and other educators to share with children. Highly recommended!

Changes are in the air: carbon, climate, earth and us

“Change is in the Air: Carbon, Climate, Earth, and Us” is an informative and beautifully illustrated picture book about the climate crisis, writes Glenn Perrett.

“Change is in the air: carbon, climate, earth and us”

  • Debbie Levy, illustrated by Alex Boersma

  • Bloomsbury Children’s Books

  • 2024, 38 pages

  • ISBN: 9781547612062

  • From 4 years

Change is in the Air: Carbon, Climate, Earth, and Us is an informative and beautifully illustrated picture book about the climate crisis. Author Debbie Levy examines things like carbon, carbon dioxide, photosynthesis, fossil fuels, and the greenhouse effect and how they are harming the planet before informing the reader how the planet can help repair the damage. Some of the sources that can help reduce carbon in the air include seaweed, mangroves, and soil.

Levy also states that while the Earth’s powers are impressive, they alone are not enough to fix the Earth because there is too much carbon in the air. To fix the Earth, people need to find ways to reduce the carbon, and she shares some of the ways to do that. Change is in the Air is a nonfiction picture book that effectively explains the problem of too much carbon in the air to children.

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