
Are you protecting your family? – Love worth finding – July 13

Are you protecting your family? – Love worth finding – July 13

July 13, 2024 – Are you protecting your family?
Isaiah 59:1-3
Sermon: 1800 Bring Back the Glory, Part 2

Pray about it

“Behold, the hand of the Lord is not shortened from saving, nor his ears too dull from hearing. But your iniquities have separated you from your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear you. For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity. Your lips speak lies, and your tongue utters perverse things.”
Isaiah 59:1-3

think about it

I once heard of a man in the Blue Ridge Mountains who made his living by catching rattlesnakes. One day he caught a huge rattlesnake that had a fourteen-segmented rattle. He put it in a glass-topped box and was plowing the fields when his little boy pulled the lid off the box in which the rattlesnake was coiled. The rattlesnake jumped out of the box and sank its fangs into the little boy’s cheek. The little boy ran out of the house and into the yard to tell his father what had happened. The father saw the boy’s face swell up, and then the child died.

Devastated, the man raised his voice in anguish and said, “I wouldn’t trade my sons for all the rattlesnakes in the Blue Ridge Mountains.” The rattlesnake’s company, hidden in a box, felt so harmless, but it was still deadly. We cannot play with vices that will destroy our children. There is serious danger when we allow sin to run rampant in our families. We may think, “That’s just my problem to deal with.” But sin will harm us and everyone around us if we don’t turn it over to God and deal with it in His way.

  • What sin problems do you not want to pass on to the next generation?
  • How do we justify sins when they have terrible consequences for our lives and our families?

Practice this

Confess your sins to God and repent.

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