
Talks about President Biden’s health will continue during his Michigan visit

Talks about President Biden’s health will continue during his Michigan visit

It is not only among politicians who are divided about President Biden’s health.

As Democratic lawmakers call for President Biden’s resignation, voters in West Michigan are raising their voices.

Some stand firmly behind the president, others have become somewhat skeptical.

“Based on his interviews and other things, he just doesn’t seem to be that far along in terms of age,” said Heaven Young, a graduate of Western Michigan University.

“I think he’s doing pretty well,” said Krystal Watkins, a Kalamazoo resident. “He’s old, but his mind hasn’t left him.”

The discussion about Biden’s age gained momentum after his appearance at the debate last month.

Biden’s campaign team wants to end this debate – but will it last?

“Most of us see what we see on television and don’t have the opportunity to interact with presidential candidates in any meaningful way,” says John Clark, chair of the political science department at Western Michigan University. “So we get what we’re given. That makes it difficult for a candidate to change the perception of what people think of him.”

Clark said it is important to remember that there is still plenty of time between Friday and the November election.

In addition, Clark says it is almost certain that the election will be close and that both parties have several important decisions to make.

“Democrats, like Republicans, need to figure out what they can do to be on the winning side, not the losing side, in a close election. That’s what the next few months are going to be about,” Clark said.

The debate about Biden’s age could continue until the end of the campaign, and other important issues will likely come up as well, Clark said.

The Republican Party Convention is scheduled to take place on Monday, while the Democratic Party Convention is scheduled for mid-August.