
States are banning cell phones in classrooms. Should Michigan do the same?

States are banning cell phones in classrooms. Should Michigan do the same?

One of my friends is a middle school teacher, and when we meet at the bar, he usually tells some funny stories about what’s going on in his classroom. But the one thing he always talks about is the constant battle for the kids’ cellphones’ attention. He’s not alone. A PEW research center found that 72% of teachers say cellphones are the biggest distraction in the classroom.

Photo by Jeswin Thomas on Unsplash

Photo by Jeswin Thomas on Unsplash

I graduated from high school in 2017, and toward the end of my time there, my school had become quite lax about kids’ cell phone use. But now, in a post-pandemic world, kids are constantly on their phones, while many kids are still struggling to catch up. It’s gotten so bad that school districts have decided to Ban on the use of mobile phones and social media on campus.

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Los Angeles bans cell phones

The second-largest school district in Los Angeles, with over 400,000 students, will no longer be allowed to have cell phones in classrooms starting next school year. How the ban will be implemented is still unclear, but one board member believes many other districts will follow suit.

Middle school teacher and student at desk in classroom

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Furthermore, social media use has become such a concerning issue that Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy has called for a warning label to be placed on social media apps to make users, especially young users, aware of the potential health risks associated with social media use.

Should Michigan join?

With support for a ban from one of the largest school districts in the country and a warning straight from the top of the administration, a ban seems like the right decision. But if LA and the Surgeon General aren’t enough proof for you, take a look at our neighboring states. Both Indiana and Ohio have introduced bills that would restrict cell phone use in schools in some way.

Cell phones are not necessary for education. If teachers spend more time telling children not to use their phones than teaching, it’s pretty much a no-brainer that they won’t come to the classroom.

School photos of Michigan celebrities

The 25 best high schools in Michigan are among the best in the USA

Michigan is home to some incredible schools that are consistently ranked among the best in the country. A recent study by USNews ranked the best high schools in America and here are the top 25 in Michigan.

Gallery credit: Jessica Poxson