
How the First Quarter Moon in Libra Improves Love Horoscopes for Each Zodiac Sign on July 13, 2024

How the First Quarter Moon in Libra Improves Love Horoscopes for Each Zodiac Sign on July 13, 2024

With the first quarter moon in Libra on Saturday, July 13, love horoscopes are asking us to take action and decide whether we want to try to make amends or whether what happened is too big a break to come back from.

Libra is one of the ruling signs of Venus, the planet of love. This air sign represents partnership, compromise, balance, and the ability to find resolution and healing even in the most difficult moments of your love life. With the Moon in this sign, partnership, healing conversations, and even love are on your side as you want to work together. This can help you understand that nothing will ever happen that can tear you and your partner apart, especially if you consciously choose to focus on all the love you have created.

This is what your love horoscope reveals for your zodiac sign on July 13, 2024:


Dear Aries, you need to think about what you really want for your love life. Although you have already decided in your heart, your actions have not always been in line with it lately.

Even if you have good reasons for going through this process, that doesn’t mean it won’t put a strain on your partner. But only you can decide whether you choose the love you’ve always wanted or whether you end up blocking your own path to happiness.

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Every little decision matters, Taurus, and that means that even the choices you make for yourself affect your relationship. It might be wise to focus on whether you’ve been sending your partner conflicting signals, especially in terms of what you want and how you actually present yourself.

Even with the best intentions, resentment or even confusion can arise, but to heal this, you must first be honest with yourself.

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Love is all around you, Gemini, the only question is, will you embrace it? You have the opportunity today to make some resolutions not only for love, but also for a lasting commitment in your life.

This love has the power to endure and change your life in the most amazing ways. But you need to spend time with your partner and be honest about what you want—and maybe even plan a night where your actions speak louder than any words.

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To find the peace you seek, Cancer, you must first become it. Things have been pretty tense in your home and personal life lately, especially if you feel like you’re constantly learning new information or finally having to confront what’s been hidden in plain sight.

As today’s energy enters your life, you may be more peaceful and able to talk things through. This doesn’t mean you have to ignore your feelings. Instead, recognize that it’s safe to talk things through so that a solution can finally be found.

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Communication is the best way to clear up confusion, Leo. Simply taking time to reflect on what you’re actually feeling helps. You may need to be the one to make the peace offering to your partner today, especially if you’ve been letting your frustrations get the better of you lately.

Try to address things that will help reconcile rather than still trying to be right in this situation. As long as you work together, it doesn’t matter who is right or wrong.

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It might help to think about the inner dynamics of your relationship, dear Virgo. Even though you excel at taking the lead and directing situations, even in your love life, your partner may feel like they don’t have as much influence over their future as they would like.

Try to accept the perspective that you and your partner are equal in planning your future, and consciously involve him in the process, rather than interpreting his silence as disinterest.

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It’s time to forgive yourself, Libra, for everything that has happened so far. As you learn, grow, and even heal, you change how you respond to certain situations – and even change the type of romantic relationship you’re attracted to.

When this happens, you may also feel a little self-defeating for not realizing the truth sooner or reacting better. Try to forgive yourself, Libra. Your partner has nothing against you, so living in regret will do you no good.

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Embrace the fearlessness of your depths, dear Scorpio, for you are encouraged to find peace with your inner self. Your intuition is always with you, but sometimes it can also be the voice of your inner child or even past heartbreak. But you can’t see that until you have also achieved a certain level of healing – which you have now.

Try to spend time connecting with the different parts of yourself and realise that you can create space for your healing and intuition at the same time. Hopefully this will allow you to start trusting yourself again when it comes to matters of the heart.

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Who you surround yourself with is everything, Sagittarius. Your friends, colleagues, or even family members are not just the people who support you or have a good time with – they can also leave a spiritual impression on you.

This means that you may find yourself changing or even taking on characteristics of others just because you spend time with others, rather than that actually being your truth, which can greatly affect your romantic relationship. Take time today to reflect on how your circle is affecting you, and be prepared to make any changes necessary so that you can be sure you are following your own heart.

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You’re a natural success, Capricorn, and once you set your mind on something, everything in the universe conspires to make it happen. The caveat is that you can’t approach your love life the same way you approach your professional life.

Love is not a destination, it is a partnership and a decision made together. Try to be more involved with your partner today by focusing less on what your relationship looks like and more on how it actually feels – for both of you.

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You crave adventure and space, dear Aquarius. But you don’t have to end your relationship just because of this desire for something new. Try to be honest with your partner when you feel like you’re in a slump, and then make a plan together to have new experiences.

This is your chance to change the current energy, find more peace, and even regain trust in your romantic relationship – you may need to shake things up a bit for that to happen.

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It’s no surprise that you crave a deep and meaningful connection, Pisces, but you need to make sure you convey this to your partner. If you feel disconnected or ignored, don’t just sit with those feelings and hope your partner changes.

Don’t take this as a sign to distance yourself from the relationship. Instead, be open about what kind of quality time you need and how important it is for you to feel connected, as this will help you get more of the love you desire.

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Kate Rose is a writerspiritual astrologer, intuitive relationship and life coach and curator of tailor-made retreats.