
If there is a third Six of Crows book, I hope it doesn’t revive a major conflict

If there is a third Six of Crows book, I hope it doesn’t revive a major conflict

Warning: This article contains SPOILERS for the Six of Crows duology and the King of Scars books.


  • One third
    Six of the Crows
    The book should focus on Inej’s journey and the new enemies that appear in the Grishaverse.
  • The revival of the feud between Kaz and Pekka in a
    Crooked Kingdom
    A sequel would feel repetitive and tedious and would reveal nothing new about these characters.
  • Bardugo was to scout out other gangs and threats in Ketterdam and expose Kaz and the Dregs to new threats.

The Six of the Crows Duology is one of the strongest additions to the Grishaverse and I hope Leigh Bardugo will write a third book one day—but I hope it doesn’t revive a central conflict from the previous two.. Bardugo takes a break from the Grishaverse after release Reign of the Wolves in 2021, with the author collaborating on projects such as The familiar and the next Ninth House Book. Bardugo has the possibility of another Six of the Crows Continuation but narrative Collider that a third book “a big someday.

Although a third Six of the Crows Book is “a maybe” for the author, she revealed that she has an idea of ​​what it could cover. The possible plot remains under wraps, but there are several different directions a sequel could go in, after Crooked Kingdom and that King of Scars Duology. Only time will tell if Bardugo returns to Ketterdam and the Crows. If she does, There is a storyline that I hope will not rise again — even if the end of Crooked Kingdom leaves the door open for this.


10 Fantasy Duologies to Read If You Can’t Read More Than Two Books

Fantasy duologies such as “These Violent Delights,” “We Hunt the Flame,” and “Six of Crows” offer fans of fantasy literature short but complex stories.

If Leigh Bardugo writes another Six of Crows book, I hope Pekka Rollins is ignored in it

The villain could technically return in a Crooked Kingdom sequel

The covers of Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
Custom image by Simone Ashmoore

After Kaz took his revenge in Crooked Kingdom, Pekka Rollins and his family flee Ketterdam – and This means that he will return and continue his feud with Kaz in a third Six of the Crows Book. I’m sure someone like Pekka Rollins would want to get back at Kaz for defeating him. However, I really hope that Bardugo doesn’t rekindle their feud when she writes a sequel Crooked Kingdom. Actually, the author should Six of the Crows villain overall. He can stay on the outskirts of Ketterdam, as there are undoubtedly more interesting topics to explore after Crooked Kingdom.

I really hope that Bardugo does not rekindle the feud between Kaz and Pekka when she writes a sequel to
Crooked Kingdom.

I am firmly convinced that every future Six of the Crows Books should focus on Inej, who has the most interesting conclusion in the duology. Her ending and her appearance in Reign of the Wolves the perfect stage for new adventures in the Grishaverse. Of course, Kaz’s future is also pretty open after the last Grishaverse books. One third Six of the Crows Book must return to the leader of the crowsbut it would be beneficial to give him a new storyline that is not related to his conflict with Pekka.

Why a third Six of Crows book shouldn’t revive the conflict between Kaz and Pekka

This would be tiring and would not reveal anything new about the characters

There are several reasons why a third Six of the Crows The book should not return to the conflict between Kaz and Pekka, otherwise readers will get tired of this story. Kaz spends Six of the Crows And Crooked Kingdom to think about Pekka’s actions, and he successfully takes revenge during the latter. There is no reason to drag out this plot any further, and it would be repetitive and tiring. In addition, Return to this story in a Crooked Kingdom Continuation would not tell us anything new about these characters.

There are several reasons why a third
Six of the Crows
The book should not return to the conflict between Kaz and Pekka. The most obvious thing is that readers will get tired of this storyline.

I am satisfied with the way Kaz avenges his brother, and I don’t think I’ll benefit from another fight between the leader of the Crows and his arch-enemy. However, there are several gangs and enemies that Bardugo should explore, and this would be a further Six of the Crows Book fresh and interesting. Bardugo’s world is huge, so there’s really no reason to limit Kaz’s story to one villain. Six of the Crows And Crooked Kingdom Even other possible threats arise as Kaz pursues Pekka.

There are other gangs and enemies that Leigh Bardugo could explore in a sequel

Freddy Carter as Kaz Brekker from Shadow and Bone and the covers of Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom
Custom image by Yailin Chacon

It would be a waste to continue Pekka Rollins’ story in a third volume Six of the Crows Book, especially if There are so many other interesting elements of the world of crows to discover. With Kaz still leading the Dregs, there are other gangs and leaders he could clash with in a future sequel. The Black Tips and Razorgulls are underused in the first two books, and even the Dime Lions could cause new problems with Pekka gone. There is also the Council of Tides, with whom Kaz could Crooked Kingdom.


The perfect replacement book for Six of Crows was published 7 years ago

If you liked “Six of Crows,” you will immediately fall in love with another underrated fantasy book, as the story has a lot in common with that of Leigh Bardugo.

Kaz’s dealings with Nikolai could also play a role, as he worked for Nikolai and Zoya during the King of Scars duology. This could haunt Kaz in some ways and turn him against the injured parties. After all, Inej’s storyline in Six of the Crows is a compelling argument for fighting slave traders and the companies that finance them. King of Scars reveals that she has already done well, but it would be fascinating to see her and Kaz do it first hand. Perhaps a third Six of the Crows Book will give us the opportunity to do so. I hope so, anyway.

Source: Collider