
I’m ready for Elden Ring’s DLC, but not as ready as this Dark Souls streamer who played through the entire action RPG at level 1 multiple times from NG to NG+7 without ever dying

I’m ready for Elden Ring’s DLC, but not as ready as this Dark Souls streamer who played through the entire action RPG at level 1 multiple times from NG to NG+7 without ever dying

While Elden Ring Players prepared for Shadow of the Earth Tree to finally release a hardened BySoftware Stan has managed to stay one step ahead of everyone by completing the action RPG eight times without leveling up – or dying.

Streamers itzCBD has accomplished the seemingly impossible and is apparently the first Elden Ring player ever to beat the game on level 1 on every single New Game Plus difficulty without dying. That makes eight full playthroughs of an already challenging game, all made even more challenging by the lack of levels and the gradual increase in difficulty of each NG+ mode. CBD also starts as Wretch, Elden Ring’s own version of Dark Souls“Disadvantaged class, which disadvantages him even more.