
Explanation of the song references to “The Death of Slim Shady”

Explanation of the song references to “The Death of Slim Shady”

The Eminem Christopher Reeve Reference was revived once again in the rap artist’s 2024 album The death of Slim Shady. Eminem mentions the actor’s name in the song “Brand New Dance,” although this is far from the first time he has used the late actor’s name in his lyrics. This had led some fans to speculate that the rapper still has a strange falling out with Reeve, but the relationship is simpler than that. Here’s an explanation as to why Eminem mentions Christopher Reeve in his songs.

Who is “Christopher Reeves” in Eminem’s songs?

Eminem – Brand New Dance (Official Audio)

The “Christopher Reeve” (or the plural “Christopher Reeves”) in Eminem’s songs refers to the late actor of the same name who played Superman in Superman (1978), Superman II (1980), and Superman III (1983). The reason for the occasional plural form of the actor’s name in the lyrics is that it rhymes better with other words that end in “s”.

The controversy surrounding Eminem’s mention of Reeve stems from the fact that the actor is paraplegic after a horseback riding accident in May 1995 that resulted in a cervical spine injury. Eminem has frequently insulted Reeve in his songs and made fun of his handicap, even after the actor’s death in October 2004.

Does Eminem hate Christopher Reeve?

I'm back

Eminem doesn’t hate Christopher Reeve, although the shock effect he gets from insulting a popular actor fits his rap persona Slim Shady. In the song “Medicine Ball” from the album RelapseIt stipulates:

Now everyone is mad at me/

As if it’s my fault that his name rhymes with so many different words, my goodness

One of his most controversial lyrics about the actor comes from the song “I’m Back” from Eminem’s 2000 album. The Marshall Mathers LP where he says in the second verse:

It is a sick world we live in today /

Slim, for heaven’s sake, put Christopher Reeve’s legs away!” (Oh, oh, oh, oh!) /

My goodness, you are so sensitive /

Slim, it’s a sensitive subject, just try not to mention it

The lyrics begin with the idea that there is something wrong with society, but then turns that expectation on its head by suggesting that people cannot speak negatively about the actor. The use of “touchy” in the last line is also a pun on the actor’s condition.

In “Brand New Dance” from Eminem’s latest album, he continues to tease Reeve with these lines:

Stand up /

Everyone on the dance floor, come on /

This also applies to you, Chris

Later in the chorus, where he asks the audience to dance, he says: “On the count of three, everyone dances the Christopher Reeves.”

The constant jokes about Reeves are a nostalgic reminder of Slim Shady’s personality, even though Eminem bears no real grudge against him.

Why does Eminem say “Christopher Reeve” in his lyrics?

Eminem – Houdini (Official Music Video)

Eminem uses “Christopher Reeve” in his lyrics mainly to shock and to give certain lines a rhyme.

The artist mentioned the actor’s name in “Purple Pills,” “Rain Man,” “Who Knew,” “Medicine Ball,” and “My 1st Single.” In the last song mentioned there, he sings, “It’s the Mr. who just annoyed Christopher Reeves for no reason / Except to annoy him.” This is proof enough that there is no malicious intent in mentioning the actor throughout his discography.