
How Venus opposite Pluto affects the love horoscope of each zodiac sign on July 12, 2024

How Venus opposite Pluto affects the love horoscope of each zodiac sign on July 12, 2024

When it comes to love, the longer you put off problems or even pretend that nothing is wrong at all, the worse you make the situation. No matter how difficult a particular issue is, it often becomes more complicated and even hurtful the more you try to ignore it or even hope that it will resolve itself.

That’s because of the stories you wrap around things you don’t talk about, and the longer you put it off, the more threatening it becomes. But when Venus in Leo opposes retrograde Pluto in Aquarius on Friday, July 12, you’ll suddenly find courage that lets you address even the most sensitive of topics, realizing that you either have to take the chance to grow together, or you’ll end up growing all alone.

Let’s see what our love horoscope for each zodiac sign has to say about Venus opposite Pluto on July 12, 2024:



You may want to focus on how your healing process is affecting your romantic relationship, Aries. While it’s normal to carry certain burdens, especially if you’ve had your heart broken in the past, that doesn’t mean you won’t have to get rid of them at some point.

Try to think about how your views on commitment or even long-term love are currently affecting your relationship. Be sure to look at things through the healing lens of an adult, otherwise you might end up running away altogether by focusing on your friendships instead.

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In love, compromises must be made, but Taurus, that shouldn’t mean you have to give up everything when your partner has seemingly given up nothing. Just because you enjoy being there for your relationship and being there for your partner doesn’t mean you don’t deserve the same reciprocity.

Be honest about your feelings and be willing to say what you want from a relationship and what you are no longer willing to compromise on.

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It’s time to talk about future plans, Gemini, but to do so you also have to leave behind the fear of choosing the wrong path. Part of you wants to know where a particular connection is going and even get some confirmation that your partner feels the same way.

But you can’t always worry about the path you haven’t taken yet. Fully commit to where you are now and do your best by being honest about your feelings. Only then will you know if you have actually found the love that is meant for you.

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Transformation is a beautiful event, Cancer. But in your case, you may be a little hesitant to embrace the wave of transformative events in your love life again because you’ve been going through so many changes recently.

Although this is understandable, in love you must never stop showing your best side. This also means that you have to stand by your desires.

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There’s no way you’ll find the love of your dreams, Leo, if you only focus on the good parts. You have to be willing to dig deep to explore your fears and be honest about who you’ve become.

This might feel like a particularly difficult moment in your relationship because you seem to be being triggered, but you also need to remember that not all triggers are there to hurt you—some are even there to help you heal.

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Spend time with your inner self, dear Virgo, so that you are calm enough to hear the voice of your soul. It might be wise to schedule some time for yourself today to check in on how you are doing and make sure your problems aren’t due to feeling drained by other aspects of life. You need to listen to your intuition today, but you also need to avoid bringing stress from other areas of your life into your relationship.

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Make time for more joy, Libra, even if it means opening up space for your inner child to heal. The more you heal, the more love you will receive. Even though it may seem like you’ve done all you can, there’s always more to do on the path of growth.

Try to think about how your romantic ideals were shaped in childhood, and then consider which of them are part of your personal truth. You may have a shocking realization today, but it will ultimately help you bring more joy and even love into your life.

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You’ve been guided by the Universe to get clear about what you want for your life, Scorpio, and that’s because big changes are coming. More than just change, though, it feels like a release is coming from anything that no longer resonates with your soul or is dragging you down.

Make sure you are willing to decide for yourself what you really want for your life, instead of thinking you have to do everything, including continuing a relationship that is part of your old comfort zone.

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How you communicate is everything, dear Sagittarius, especially in love. Try to be honest with yourself about how your communication style has affected your romantic relationship, especially if your partner demands more direct and honest answers.

You can’t make the universe always make what you choose your destiny – sometimes it’s part of the divine plan, no matter how much you don’t want to change it. And face it, Sagittarius, you’ll never lose something that was meant for you just because you know the truth.

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It may feel like big changes are happening in your love life, Capricorn. However, try not to see these small changes or feelings as problems; instead, give them space so that the real purpose can be revealed to you.

Don’t try to control the outcome, but instead just trust that every step you take is guided by the Universe. This is especially true when a particular relationship is going through a growth phase, as you can’t control what it ultimately means for your connection.

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Give yourself time, Aquarius, to process everything that’s coming your way. You may need more rest during this time and even ask your partner for some time to process all your feelings. Try to accept the truth instead of letting it scare you.

Part of what you’ve been feeling is that you don’t want to address a certain topic because you already know in your heart where it will lead. But you also can’t keep ignoring it, so sit back and allow yourself to discover what happens when you surrender to the truth.

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Today is a day of healing, dear Pisces, because you realize that you may not have left as much of the past behind you as you thought. And that’s OK. There are no rules that say you have to be completely healed before entering into a romantic relationship, but you do need to make room for your process to continue.

Try to approach what comes up with love and patience. Know that you don’t have to act immediately and that just acknowledging it may be enough.

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Kate Rose is a writerspiritual astrologer, intuitive relationship and life coach and curator of tailor-made retreats.