
My reading summer

My reading summer

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You may have heard that I’ve been struggling to get back into my reading habit lately. Well, this summer I plan to do something about it with the help of some worthwhile sacrifices and some promising books. The last time I had a slump, it was more about moods than major life events, and the book fairies must have been with me when I decided to turn things around. I ended up randomly selecting a few books (I won’t pretend my process could be called curation) that turned out to be just what the doctor ordered. I surprised myself by devouring a stack of exciting books in no time after months of not feeling like picking up a book.

I hope to recreate that magic this season by taking advantage of the longer days and summer lull. But really, it’s all about the books, so here’s what I’ve chosen to reignite my reading passion, and why I chose each title:

All Access members, read on to find out my summer picks.

That’s it, the reading summer can begin! What’s on your reading list? Let me know in the comments.

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