
Analyst: Trump sees no value in NATO if he cannot personally benefit from it

Analyst: Trump sees no value in NATO if he cannot personally benefit from it

Former President Donald Trump is viewing NATO, one of America’s most important military partnerships promoting global security, through the lens of personal profit, Puck News’ Julia Ioffe warned Thursday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

She previously reported that foreign NATO leaders are secretly preparing for the possibility that Trump could defeat President Joe Biden in November and debating how to keep his worst instincts in check. During his tenure, he regularly demanded higher military spending from other NATO members, threatened to leave the alliance and cultivated a close relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin that could jeopardize U.S. support for Ukraine against the Russian invasion.

“We’ve talked about reports that Trump would even limit the sharing of intelligence with NATO allies. That’s unbelievable, isn’t it?” Ioffe said.

“He has no idea what alliances are good for if there is no money involved and he doesn’t benefit from them in some way,” she added.

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Ioffe is referring to new reports from Politico that suggest Trump is considering rolling back key intelligence information that helps European countries protect themselves from security threats from Russia.

Last month, other reports suggested that NATO leaders were considering new coordination schemes for military supplies to Ukraine that would ensure supplies would continue even if Trump were elected and US support were to be scaled back.

Biden, for his part, sought to highlight America’s continued commitment to NATO at this week’s summit. In a fiery speech, he stressed that NATO countries would meet their military spending commitments that Trump had long demanded of them. He also said: “My friends, it is good that we are stronger than ever, because this historic moment requires our collective strength. Autocrats will overthrow the world order that has been largely maintained for nearly 80 years and continues to endure.”

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Julia Ioffe: Trump wants to personally benefit from