
Epic love, queer representation and rich Asian history in “The Emperor and the Endless Palace”

Epic love, queer representation and rich Asian history in “The Emperor and the Endless Palace”

Enter a world where love knows no boundaries and transcends time as an AAPI author Justinian Huang captivates readers with his debut novel, The Emperor and the Endless Palacea fascinating mix of romance, fantasy and historical intrigue.

Justinian Huang takes the literary scene by storm with his stunning debut, The Emperor and the Endless Palace. This groundbreaking romantic fantasy not only offers a gripping love story that will stand the test of time, but also champions LGBTQ and AAPI representation in a thrilling and deeply personal way.

Two men, endless lives: a rollercoaster ride of love, fate and timeless romance!

Through the labyrinthine corridors of ancient palaces, the wilderness of Asian forests, and the vibrant energy of underground rave scenes, two lovers discover that their destiny binds them forever. Their bond, forged over countless lifetimes, is both a source of strength and potential destruction as they navigate the challenges of each new world they encounter.

As their stories intertwine, the men discover the true power of their love – a force so strong that it transcends time. But that deep connection could also be their undoing.

Unpredictable and suspenseful, Huang’s debut novel blends romance, fantasy and historical intrigue in a way that redefines our understanding of true love. The Emperor and the Endless Palace promises a gripping, cross-genre experience that will captivate readers.

In the following conversation, Huang talks about the inspirations behind his novel, the challenges he faced, and the powerful message he wants to convey with his timeless story of love and reincarnation.

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Interview with the author

The Emperor and the Endless Palace spans multiple timelines and genres. What inspired you to weave such different eras and settings into a single narrative?

Justinian Huang: As a queer Asian man, I wanted to show that queerness resonates in my culture from ancient times to the present day. So when I decided to adapt the true story of Emperor Ai and his male lover Dong Xian, it felt like a fun challenge to resurrect them as soulmates throughout Chinese history. And it was.

Can you talk about the importance of queer representation in your novel and how meaningful it is for you to share a novel with us today?

Huang: When I came out as a young man, I was told that “Asians can’t be gay,” as if it was some kind of modern, Western affliction. So writing this book with all queer Asian main characters is incredibly meaningful to me. But what’s even more meaningful to me is that the book is entertaining, exciting, provocative, and unique, and I hope it is all of those things!

The love story between the Emperor and Dong Xian is both historical and tragic. How did you balance historical accuracy with creative freedom in telling their story?

Huang: It’s been so long that not much is known about her, so I had to make a lot of it up. At first I didn’t know how to characterize Dong Xian… is he just a Disney princess who has everything happen to him? How much autonomy should he have? When I decided he should be an ambitious fuckboy instead, the story really took shape in my head.

There are some delicious villains in the Endless Palace, like Empress Dowager Fu and Commander Jujun, who are entirely based on real people, which made researching and writing all the more interesting. I channeled Game of Thrones, but did it in Chinese!

How did your experiences in Asia’s underground queer scene influence the modern parts of your novel?

Huang: Honestly? Pretty much everything that happens at the circuit parties in my book happened to me as a young person… I even met my soulmate at a circuit party and we tormented each other romantically for many years. However, I have never come across a sex cult ritual in an ancient temple, but never say never.

Reincarnation and eternal love are central themes in your book. What fascinated you about these concepts and how did you develop them in the story?

Huang: From 2015 to 2020 I lived in Shanghai and during this time I rediscovered my Buddhist roots. I was particularly fascinated by reincarnation. I was going through a difficult time and so I went to my godmother in Taipei for advice. She is a Buddhist nun and she told me that each of our lives is just a sentence in the never-ending novel of our soul’s journey through eternity.

Originally, the three timelines of my book ran parallel and only overlapped thematically. After hearing what my godmother told me, I decided that my main lovers (the Emperor and Dong Xian) should actually be reborn throughout time, destined to relive their love story over and over again.

Your novel deals with the representation of Asia in a very personal way. How has your cultural background influenced the characters and settings in your book?

Huang: I just wrote what I know.

The novel contains a mixture of romance, fantasy and erotic elements. How did you blend these genres to create a coherent story?

Huang: I have no formal training as a novelist. In fact, I just wrote this book as a pandemic project while isolating in my mom’s attic, so I’m not sure how I managed to blend them into something cohesive! I just wrote what excited me.

What challenges did you face in writing a debut novel that covers such a wide range of themes and timelines?

Huang: My nearly 20-year career as a film producer has given me an almost instinctive ability to structure and develop stories, which certainly helped me in writing this book.

How did your background in screenwriting and film influence your approach to writing The Emperor and the Endless Palace?

Huang: Aside from the above, I also look for pacing in a good film and I wanted to bring that to my book. I wanted my book to feel like a rollercoaster ride, full of twists and turns and thrilling cliffhangers. Having read the best screenplays my whole life, I think I’ve picked up a few tricks along the way.

What message or feeling do you want readers to take away from the love story of the emperor and Dong Xian?

Huang: Well actually, The Emperor and the Endless Palace is supposed to be the first part of a trilogy… so their love story is not over yet!

Can you share any interesting historical details or research that influenced the plot or characters of your novel?

Huang: I was particularly fascinated by the Heirloom Seal of the Empire, an imperial stamp used by Emperor Ai and many emperors before and after him. It was a legendary artifact with almost magical status. It is now lost, but it appears in my book – several times, in fact!

How did your time in China influence your writing, particularly in capturing the historical and cultural nuances of your story?

Huang: I was head of development at DreamWorks’ Shanghai studio, where I got to work with some of the best Chinese creatives. So I would say that during my time there, I really fell in love with my culture and our beautiful stories. That’s why one of the timelines of my book is an adaptation of a classic queer folk tale by Pu Songling about a lonely innkeeper who falls in love with a male fox spirit.

What role do you think your novel plays in the broader context of queer and Asian representation in literature?

Huang: I hope it serves as a precursor to many more queer Asian books. Just as I see myself as a big brother to the next generation of queer Asian people, I can only hope that The Emperor and the Endless Palace serves the same purpose.

What have you learned about yourself and your craft through writing and publishing? The Emperor and the Endless Palace?

Huang: I’ve learned that I have thick skin. My book is getting critical acclaim, but there are many gatekeepers in the reading community who are very strict with newbies like me. Despite this, I’m almost finished with my second novel with HarperCollins and plan to keep writing and finding my audience. This new career is the surprise of my life and I’m enjoying every moment of it. I feel like the luckiest person in the world and I’m not going to waste it!

Here’s how to grab your copy:

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More stories:

Epic love, queer representation and rich Asian history in “The Emperor and the Endless Palace”