
Jim Jordan fears dozens of members could resign en masse because of the civil war in the House Freedom Caucus

Jim Jordan fears dozens of members could resign en masse because of the civil war in the House Freedom Caucus

A dramatic split is occurring in the far-right House Freedom Caucus after the group voted to remove a third member within a year.

The ousting of Republican Rep. Warren Davidson of Ohio was led by allies of Virginia Gov. Bob Good, Politico reported. Good had recently lost a primary for his Virginia district – the only Republican congressman to do so – and Davidson openly supported Good’s challenger, Trump-obsessed John McGuire.

Good’s allies felt that Davidson’s support of McGuire violated rules prohibiting publicly attacking a member and that it justified his expulsion from the group, Axios reported. Caucus members voted 16-13 to expel Davidson, but some of Davidson’s allies were absent from the vote.

Republican Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio told Politico he disagreed with the decision and acknowledged it could lead to the resignation of some group members.

“I voted against it and spoke out against it. … I have always opposed it,” Republican Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio told Politico.

One member has already resigned. Republican Representative Troy Nehls of Texas resigned immediately after Davidson’s removal.

According to the group’s constitution, members normally only lose good standing if they miss meetings or fail to pay their dues. Davidson had no problems with either.

In the past, the group has been very tight-lipped about internal affairs, but the growing divide between old and new members who joined during and after Trump has led some to begin speaking out publicly, according to Politico.

In October, the decision to impeach House Speaker Kevin McCarthy caused a major split within the caucus. Earlier this year, the group voted to impeach Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia over her dispute with fellow Republican Lauren Boebert of Colorado. The group also split on whether to impeach House Speaker Mike Johnson.

“The problem is the devious members of Bob Good and the Never Trump Freedom Caucus. They have destroyed the Freedom Caucus and rendered it ineffective,” Greene posted on X after Davidson’s removal.

Good, who has publicly stated he will seek a recount in his primary election, will likely resign as speaker once his defeat is formalized, sources told Axios.