
Hassan Nasrallah of Hezbollah: Proxies will cease fire after war ends

Hassan Nasrallah of Hezbollah: Proxies will cease fire after war ends

If a ceasefire is reached in the Gaza Strip, the entire “axis of resistance” in the Middle East will stop its attacks on Israel, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said in a televised address on Wednesday, while CIA Director William Burns held talks in Doha to reach such an agreement.

“If there is a ceasefire in Gaza, our front will also cease fire without discussion, regardless of any other agreement, mechanism or negotiation,” Nasrallah said on Wednesday.

“Hamas negotiates on its own behalf and on behalf of the Palestinian factions, as well as on behalf of the entire Axis of Resistance. What Hamas accepts, we all accept,” Nasrallah said.

The Axis of Resistance is an alliance that has developed over years of Iranian support against Israel and US influence in the Middle East. It includes the Yemeni Houthis and Shiite armed groups in Iraq.

Since the Hamas-led invasion on October 7, Israel has been fighting alongside Hezbollah on its northern border against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, as well as against attacks by Shiite armed groups in Iraq and the Houthis in Yemen.

A man carries a giant flag made up of the flags of Iran, Palestine, Syria and Hezbollah during a ceremony marking the 37th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran in February 2016 (Source: RAHEB HOMAVANDI/REUTERS)
A hostage-taking and ceasefire in the Gaza Strip that ends violence on all fronts would restore calm after nine months of war and pave the way for the return of the remaining 120 hostages held in Gaza.

However, Nasrallah warned that Hezbollah is ready for war and does not fear war, pointing to the increasingly large barrages of rockets and drones the group has fired at Israel as evidence. The Iranian proxy group and Israeli forces have been engaged in cross-border violence since October 9.

Hezbollah’s connection between the northern and southern borders has increased the importance of the Gaza hostage-taking and ceasefire agreement. Without such an agreement, violence in the north is likely to escalate into a third Lebanon war, which experts fear could turn into a direct war between Israel and Iran.

Nasrallah spoke with Burns in Doha and negotiated the terms of the agreement with the intelligence chiefs of the mediating countries for a deal between Qatar and Egypt, as well as with Mossad chief David Barnea.

The talks were still ongoing until Wednesday night.

Meeting with Netanyahu and Gallant in Israel

In Israel, White House Coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa Brett McGurk met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, as well as with National Unity Party Chairman Benny Gantz.

Gallant discussed with McGurk one of the stumbling blocks of the agreement, namely the issue of the critical buffer zone between Gaza and Egypt, the so-called Philadelphia Corridor.

Hamas had been smuggling weapons into Gaza for use against Israel through tunnels dug under this corridor. Hamas’ demands for a hostage-taking and ceasefire included the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the corridor and from the entire Gaza Strip.

Gallant told McGurk: “A solution is needed that puts an end to the smuggling attempts, stops possible arms supplies to Hamas and allows the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the corridor as part of the framework for the release of the hostages.”

Israel supports the reopening of the border crossing between Egypt and Gaza, Gallant said, but stressed that Hamas cannot return to the area.

Egypt has so far refused to reopen the crossing as long as Israel controls it on the Gaza side, as it currently does. Gallant thanked McGurk for his efforts to reach an agreement.

Gallant later said at the National Defense College: “A limited window of opportunity has opened up that would allow us to fulfill our moral and ethical duty – to release the hostages.”

“The conditions created by the agreement will advance our national and security interests,” Gallant said.

He stressed that the Israeli armed forces could defend the country against any risks that might arise from the agreement.

The meetings between Burns and McGurk on Wednesday were part of intensive US efforts to reach agreement on the three-phase deal that US President Joe Biden unveiled on May 31. They are working to implement the agreement together with mediating countries Egypt and Qatar, both of which held hostage talks this week.

Hamas initially rejected the agreement, maintaining its principled position that it would not agree to any agreement that did not include Israel’s commitment to end the war and withdraw Israeli forces from Gaza.

Israel has stressed that any agreement must ensure the release of the hostages and the removal of Hamas from military control and political leadership in Gaza. Until that goal is achieved, Israel will not commit to a ceasefire.

Talks resumed last weekend after Hamas dropped its demand for an immediate ceasefire, but tried to reinstate them in the framework agreement by other means.

Netanyahu released five red lines earlier this week, including his commitment to an agreement that falls within the framework of a Biden proposal.

He listed these conditions, including preventing the smuggling of weapons from Egypt into Gaza, preventing the return of armed terrorists to northern Gaza, releasing as many live hostages as possible, and committing to fulfilling Israel’s war aims.

Netanyahu emphasized these red lines in his meeting with McGurk and stated that Israel was committed to the Biden proposal as long as it took these principled points into account, the prime minister’s office said.Reuters contributed to this report.