
Club News – Newton Daily News

Club News – Newton Daily News

Baxter Garden Club

The Baxter Federated Garden Club met at Betty Nikkel’s on June 13. Twelve members were present.

The program presentation was given by member Betty Nikkel. Betty shared her knowledge of drying flowers and guided us through her many beautiful, creative gardens, sharing the names of the flowers in bloom. Betty also served snacks to the members.

Co-President Macy Lisk opened the meeting. During the roll call, members named the flowers blooming in their gardens.

The Secretary’s report was presented by Secretary Deb Krampe. The minutes were approved as read.

The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Treasurer Janet Damman. Janet presented a written report detailing our income, expenses, and balance. Macy presented an invoice for the paper products from the District Meeting breakfast.

There was no correspondence/announcements.

Old and new business

Beth made a motion that our club contribute to the State Garden Club’s Horticulture and Landscape Design scholarships. After discussion, the club voted to donate $30.00 to each scholarship recipient after the motion was seconded by Betty Nikkel.

Macy announced that the flea market was a success and there was a wide variety of items for sale. Leftover items were taken to The Well, a thrift store in Newton. Barb will send a thank you note to non-members who donated items to the flea market.

Macy reported that the district meeting went well. Our club received $80.00 for hosting the breakfast. Our club won the Blue Ribbon Book Club Award and the Blue Ribbon Club Award. Beth had written a report for Plant It Pink and it won. The district earned $476 from the silent auction, where Macy purchased a succulent planter from our club, and $474 from the plant sale, where we donated plants from our garage sale.

Macy will attend the state convention on June 24-25.

The members discussed the watering and fertilizing schedule for the planters on Main Street. Peggy now has a water tank and pump on her golf cart to help with watering and fertilizing. The beds in the cemetery and on the signs are doing well, but members need to continue to maintain them when they have time.

Baxter Garden Club T-shirts are ordered for members who need them.

Peggy and Betty Damman will continue to select the Yard of the Week. They will select two yards every four weeks.

Macy announced that the Baxter Farmers Market will be held Wednesdays from 6 to 8 p.m.

Flags are placed in the flower pots on Main Street for the Fourth of July and will remain there for Baxter Fun Days, as the motto is “Red, White and Baxter.”

The members enjoyed their time together before the meeting ended.

The next meeting will be on July 11. Members will meet at 6 p.m. to head to the Enabling Garden in Altoona.