
Singer Ayaara releases the album “Freedom of Expression”, a non-profit organization in America

Singer Ayaara releases the album “Freedom of Expression”, a non-profit organization in America

US-based Nigerian musician Ayaara, real name Victor Ayara, is set to make waves with the release of his album and a non-profit organization in Atlanta.

The double-header, “A Night of Freedom and Hope,” is scheduled for July 13 at Influence Restaurant and Lounge in Norcross, Georgia, USA. The goal is to showcase Ayaara’s musical talent and lay the foundation for his nonprofit organization.

The album is titled “Freedom of Expression” and the non-profit organization “Imabasi Youth Foundation”, focuses on supporting orphans, at-risk youth, and underprivileged individuals in Atlanta and Nigeria.

In an interview with PREMIUM TIMES, Ayaara called music his saviour and noted that it opened up opportunities for him and made his life easier.

..., Ayaara ...

He titled the album “Freedom of Expression” because he likes to express his artistry through different genres of music and doesn’t want to limit himself to a single style.

He said: “I have recorded many songs, but I would like to explain why I chose the title for this particular album: ‘Freedom of Expression’. This album took ten years to make, with over thirty songs recorded. It was a challenge to decide which songs to include. The title ‘Freedom of Expression’ does not represent that I have been deprived of the freedom to express myself, but that I feel free to explore different sounds and genres without being limited to a particular style.”

He said the uniqueness of the album lies in the inclusion of an African flair.

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Ayaara, who began his music career in 1990, stressed that his goal in releasing the album was not to make money but to make a meaningful impact.

“I believe that all the money in the world will eventually run out. What really matters is the difference you make. That’s my goal, and I’ve been pursuing it since before music existed. I just combined music with that mission because when God blesses you with a gift, you should use it to bless others.

“My goal is to empower people Nigeria to start sewing and selling clothes in America for a living. I also help people learn graphic design and cooking skills. This is not about chasing money or fame; it’s about doing good and sharing the gifts God has given me,” he added.

He further explained that 99 percent of the album, which includes twelve tracks, was recorded virtually.

He said of the process of creating the album: “It encompasses anything and everything, all the time.” He noted that the album’s release took quite a while due to the necessary preparations.

“It has a unique sound. ‘Good Morning Africa’ is an old song of mine that I wanted to re-record. It’s a tribute to the motherland. When I performed it at a venue, someone noticed influences of Afrobeat and other elements in this song. The song contains Zulu, Swahili, Igbo, Taupau and Ibibio languages. These are the types of projects I like to share with people. You might like one song but not another.”

Ayaara also revealed his strategy of using social media and collaborating with celebrities to promote the album.

“Many of them have expressed interest in these songs. I believe in using every digital platform to market them. It is crucial to work with people whose values ​​align with ours, not just from a PR perspective, but in all aspects,” said Ayaara.

The singer expressed his excitement to collaborate with Nigerian artists on future projects and hinted at a possible release of his album in Nigeria.

Imabasi Youth Foundation (IYF)

Speaking about his non-profit organization, Imabasi Youth Foundation (IYF), Ayaara explained that it was born out of his belief that one does not need wealth to help others.

He explained that the aim of the IYF is to give hope to the hopeless and to motivate people to action with compassion.

“I have always been committed to this effort, but I want to make it even more comprehensive so that others with similar values ​​can contribute, even if it’s a penny or two. Over the past eleven years, I’ve learned that mere handouts don’t really help people; they create an endless cycle of dependency.

“My belief is to have a lasting impact. Nothing gives me more joy than seeing people move from despair to stability, securing their homes and paying their children’s school fees because someone gave them strength. That is the essence of the IYF.”

He said he would establish an orphanage in his hometown to ensure that parentless children would have the opportunity to achieve great things in the future.


“I learned that with the right environment and skills, Nigeria can succeed in any situation. This nonprofit was created to support boys of all races who participate in our program. Some children lack male role models because their fathers are in prison. Mentoring can lead them out of difficult situations and into success.

“The wealth and poverty of the majority impacts the wealth of the minority. If we don’t support each other, especially when it comes to helping young boys find positive pathways, it can have negative consequences for everyone,” he explained.

Ayaara, a former broadcaster, started his career with Galaxy Television in 2002 and moved to Silverbird in 2006. He later moved to America with his family.

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