
Chris Stark appointed head of UK Clean Energy Mission Control until 2030

Chris Stark appointed head of UK Clean Energy Mission Control until 2030

  • Appointment as a manager: Chris Stark, former CEO of the Climate Change Committee, becomes head of mission control.
  • Objective: Achieve clean energy in the UK by 2030, increasing energy independence and reducing bills.
  • Strategic cooperation: Mission Control works with key energy organisations such as Ofgem and National Grid.

Chris Stark leads mission control to deliver clean energy by 2030

Energy Secretary Ed Miliband has appointed Chris Stark to lead the newly formed Mission Control initiative, which aims to move the UK to clean energy by 2030. Stark, a renowned climate and energy expert, will lead a team aimed at breaking down barriers and accelerating energy projects.

Strategic leadership

Stark’s extensive experience, including his tenure as CEO of the Climate Change Committee and Director of Energy and Climate Change in the Scottish Government, positions him to effectively drive this mission forward.”Tackling the climate crisis and accelerating the transition to clean energy is the country’s greatest challenge and opportunity,” said Stark. “If we act now, we can put the UK at the forefront of the global race to net zero emissions – by reducing our carbon emissions but also reducing household bills.”

Role of Mission Control

Mission Control will act as a central hub, working with organisations such as Ofgem, National Grid and the future National Energy System Operator. This coordination is essential to speed up the integration of new energy infrastructure and ensure the supply of clean, affordable energy to homes and businesses. Energy Secretary Ed Miliband stressed: “This new control center will benefit from the expertise and experience of Chris Stark’s leadership and will bring together the brightest and best in the national interest and will be focused on achieving our clean energy mission by 2030.

Expert advice

The electricity network operator has been commissioned to provide independent advice on the path to 2030. This includes expert analysis of the new investments and infrastructure locations needed to achieve the clean energy target. CEO Fintan Slye commented: “I look forward to working with the Secretary of State on the blueprint for the future of our electricity system. I also look forward to engaging with industry and stakeholders across the UK on this critical analysis.”

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National benefits

The establishment of Mission Control is part of a wider effort that includes the creation of Great British Energy, a new public body focused on developing energy infrastructure. These initiatives aim to reduce energy costs, create jobs and improve national security by reducing dependence on volatile fossil fuel markets. Miliband noted: “By making Britain a clean energy superpower, we will not only reduce energy costs, but also create hundreds of thousands of good jobs, while protecting national security by keeping dictators out of our energy markets.”