
We wanted to see Donald Trump without his famous disaster hairstyle, so we made it possible

We wanted to see Donald Trump without his famous disaster hairstyle, so we made it possible

We asked our photo editor to make Donald Trump’s hair look less, er, hairy. unique and more suitable for the highest office in the land. The results are stunning; gone is the distracting, tousled hairstyle that Trump sported in his court appearances during the New York fraud trial. In its place is a neat cut that’s much more professional. The swoop has also been tamed to a calmer, less gravity-defying side pony. The best part, in our opinion, is the color. Our editor made some tweaks to darken Trump’s hair to a more natural ash brown, with dignified silver details at the temples and just a few streaks of gray throughout.


Far from making the former POTUS look older, the change makes him look younger than his 78 years – a compliment he would surely appreciate. On his last birthday, Trump confessed to an audience of supporters, “There comes a certain point when you don’t want to hear ‘Happy Birthday’ anymore. You just want to pretend that day doesn’t exist” (via ABC News).

One thing, however, remained unchanged in the photo’s editing. Trump’s skin color is still the odd orange-brown that often makes his critics giggle. Even so, the contrast with the darker hair is less pronounced than with his usual shade. The overall picture shows a man who actually looks like he belongs in the Oval Office.