
Real estate values ​​in Napa County exceed $55 billion

Real estate values ​​in Napa County exceed  billion

NAPA, CA — Property values ​​in Napa County increased by $2.4 billion, according to the 2024-2025 fiscal year tax bill released Tuesday.

As of January 1, the estimated value of the county’s land was $55.2 billion.

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Napa County’s taxpayer list has the fourth-highest per capita taxpayer count among California counties with over 10,000 residents, Tax Assessor and County Clerk John Tuteur said in a statement.

“The local population is just behind San Mateo, Marin and San Francisco and just ahead of Santa Clara,” Tuteur said.

About $1 billion of the $2.4 billion increase, or 41 percent, comes from the 2 percent inflation adjustment required by Proposition 13.

Prop 13 was a 1978 cap on California’s property taxes to keep values ​​at or near current market value levels. It reset most local property assessments to 1975 market value levels and capped the property tax rate at 1% plus the rate needed to finance voter-approved local bonds. It also capped future property tax increases at a maximum of 2% per year.

Under Prop 13, properties are revalued to their current market value only when there is a change of ownership or the completion of a new construction, which is considered a fresh start or base year value.

In Napa County, 947 properties had values ​​below their Proposition 13 baseline, the lowest number of properties losing value since the Great Recession of 2007, Tuteur said.

Anyone with questions about the values ​​reported on the notices should contact the Assessor’s Department at (707) 253-4459 or [email protected] before November 15 for an informal review.

Story by Ruth Dusseault, Bay City News.

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