
Topeka City Council postpones decision on proposed ordinance requiring public approval of tax increases

Topeka City Council postpones decision on proposed ordinance requiring public approval of tax increases

TOPEKA, Kansas (WIBW) – The Topeka City Council has failed to pass a resolution on a proposal to require public consent for property tax collection.

A petition by Topeka resident Earl McIntosh demanded that the governing body put any proposed increase in city property taxes to a public vote. More than 5,300 people signed the petition, 4,445 of whom were certified by the Shawnee County Elections Office.

The City Council had three options on the proposal: approve the ordinance, hold a special election on it, or take no action if it deemed it invalid under law or the Constitution. It chose the second option.

While some said they agreed with the sentiment behind the petition, council members mostly said they already act transparently and do their best to communicate their decisions to the public. Those who spoke during a public hearing before the council’s decision said this is an issue that all city residents can agree on and that the council should consider the burden everyone feels when budgeting city funds.

McIntosh told 13 NEWS they will legally review their next steps and reapply if necessary.