
I breastfeed my husband – so what? | LOVE DOESN’T JUDGE | Entertainment

I breastfeed my husband – so what? | LOVE DOESN’T JUDGE | Entertainment

THE BAILEYS have become a viral sensation after sharing videos of wife Rachel breastfeeding her husband Alexander. Their videos have left many shocked people upset online and they have been criticized endlessly for their behavior, but they simply ignore the haters and “milk” the attention instead. The couple live in Florida with their three children Troy, 7, Aria, 6, and Matthew, 2. When Rachel was breastfeeding Aria, Alexander got her milk for the first time. The couple were on a cruise without the kids and Rachel forgot her breast pump, so Alexander stepped in to ease her pain and reduce the risk of mastitis. Rachel was skeptical at first, telling us, “I thought it was gross at the time, but it ended up being the best thing.” Alexander now feeds once a week, which he looks forward to as it’s a form of meditation and a moment of bonding between husband and wife for him. Alexander says it has also done wonders for his immune system: “I haven’t really been sick in three years.” The couple have built a prominent social media presence by openly sharing their escapades online without remorse. Alexander has written a song called “Milk Float” and they have written a book together. Their content on breastfeeding has attracted a lot of negative comments from people like: “You’re sick, weird, disturbing.” This doesn’t faze the Baileys and they plan to continue breastfeeding until Matthew is weaned, which unfortunately for Alexander is imminent…