
MP Chris Miller disappointed with approval of several measures during the spring session

MP Chris Miller disappointed with approval of several measures during the spring session

Chris Miller is a Republican from Hindsboro who represents the 101st congressional district. Miller is a third-generation rancher and grain trader and also chairman of the far-right Illinois Freedom Caucus.

Important voices

Revenue package, including tax increases on sports betting and child tax credit for low- and middle-income families: No

Government regulations on carbon capture technology, including a two-year pipeline moratorium: No

Prohibition of step-by-step therapies, restriction of prior authorization in the health care system: No

Ban on anti-union “captive audience” events: No

Funded invoices

People also read…

House Bill 1435: Requires the Secretary of State to issue a regulation for the issuance of an Illinois disability card without a photograph if the applicant has a religious objection to being photographed or having the photograph displayed. (not passed)

House Bill 3626: The Department of Innovation and Technology would be required to prohibit the use of TikTok on government devices by government personnel or others. (not passed)

House Bill 2944: Does not allow students to register to vote in the district in which they attend an educational institution if they do not reside in the district in which the institution is located. (not passed)

Successes from the meeting

Miller said the meeting “didn’t produce anything that was really useful.”

Disappointments from the meeting

Miller said there were several disappointments in the session, including the failure to address the Invest in Kids program. Another disappointment was the passage of House Bill 5239 by both chambers. HB 5239 is a bill that would allow minors to sign and submit applications for legal health care, such as abortions, through the state’s family planning program. It would also keep legal health care information, health records and patient location confidential and exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act.

Another disappointment for Miller was the passage of federal regulations on carbon capture, including a two-year moratorium on pipeline construction.

“To me, this is one of the biggest hoaxes ever perpetrated on the people of Illinois and the rest of our country, because we don’t have a climate crisis. What we have is a common sense crisis, and nobody can tell me why we’re trying to capture carbon dioxide. In my opinion, the most dangerous carbon dioxide being emitted is all the hot air being emitted from the General Assembly day after day.”