
NJ Rep. Schnall and Senator Singer donate $7 million to Lakewood Township

NJ Rep. Schnall and Senator Singer donate  million to Lakewood Township

Senator Bob Singer (left) and Representative Avi Schnall (New Jersey State Legislature/Agudath Israel of America)

By Hamodia Staff

As a direct result of their tireless efforts, Assemblyman Avi Schnall and Senator Bob Singer were successful in securing $7 million from the state budget for the Town of Lakewood. This critical funding was secured by showing legislative leaders the glaring inequities in the current municipal funding formula.

Despite being one of the largest municipalities in New Jersey, Lakewood receives the second lowest municipal grants per capita in the state, leaving the municipality struggling to cover essential services such as police, fire, public works, and other critical needs.

Representative Schnall has been vocal about the inequity of the existing funding formula, citing Lakewood, the largest municipality in his district, as a prime example of the inequities.

“Lakewood’s growth and unique needs have been consistently overlooked in the state’s municipal aid formula,” Schnall said. “This additional $7 million is a step in the right direction, but it is imperative that we reform the formula to ensure Lakewood and other similarly situated communities receive the help they deserve.”

Senator Bob Singer echoed this view and emphasized the need for a fairer distribution of government resources.

“The current system is outdated and unfair. It is our duty to correct this imbalance to provide equitable support to all communities, especially those as large as Lakewood,” Singer said.

Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles expressed his gratitude and frustration: “I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to Representative Schnall and Senator Singer for their tireless efforts to secure these much-needed funds for Lakewood. Their dedication to our community has made a significant difference.”

While the mayor was grateful for the $7 million in vital assistance, he stressed that it is high time the state addressed the root cause of Lakewood’s ongoing underfunding.