
New young adult books hit shelves this week: July 8, 2024

New young adult books hit shelves this week: July 8, 2024

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Kelly is a former librarian and longtime blogger at STACKED. She is the editor/author of (DON’T) CALL ME CRAZY: 33 VOICES START THE CONVERSATION ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH and the editor/author of HERE WE ARE: FEMINISM FOR THE REAL WORLD. Her next book, BODY TALK, will be released in fall 2020. Follow her on Instagram @heykellyjensen.

Hello, young readers!

If you’re in the US, I hope you’ve had a good rest from the rather long weekend and have done a lot of reading. If you’re not in the US, I hope you’ve done some good reading this weekend too.

Immerse yourself in all the new books for July 8, 2024.

Bookworm Jewelry

Set of three book pens.Set of three book pens.

I used to be the type of person who had dozens of pens lying around, but when those pens started drying out or running out, I stopped replacing them. Whether you’re a pen lover or just need some like me, this set of three book pens is a great option. $13.

New hardcover releases for young adults

a magical, wild and luminous book covera magical, wild and luminous book cover

A wild and bright magic by Hemant Nayak

Adya is a political puppet. She doesn’t want to be that – she just wants to find her missing sister Priya and make enough money to keep her family afloat in South India. But she has a power that is highly coveted. She can awaken electrical machines. All of these machines were wiped out 500 years ago, so Adya’s power is rare.

When enemies in this political war claim to know where Priya is, Adya sets out to bring her home. The problem is, she’ll have to team up with a thief to get to her sister… and the future of the entire country may depend entirely on Adya and her own power.

How to die a famous book coverHow to die a famous book cover

How to Die Famous by Benjamin Dean

Abel Miller is an aspiring teen star and has just landed a role in the reboot of Sunset high. While it’s a chance to advance his acting career, this opportunity means much more to Abel. His brother Adam died during the final filming of the series and Abel will be the one to find out why and how.

As he meets the other stars of the show, Abel realizes that there are many more secrets behind the set than he ever imagined. Secrets that some would kill to keep.

it's just a game book coverit's just a game book cover

It’s just a game by Kelsea Yu

Marina Chan has been using a false identity since escaping her old life. But all of that could catch up with her when she accepts an offer from her favorite online gaming company. She and her online team from the game are given the opportunity to visit the company on a tour.

You know this isn’t going to end well because it’s a thriller. The game’s developer is killed while the team is there, and the killer plans to kill Marina and her friends if they don’t win four rounds of a game.

But it’s not just any game. It’s one that requires them to lie, cheat, and steal – and it’s a game that could reveal Marina’s true identity.

Book cover “Sunrise Nights”Book cover “Sunrise Nights”

Sunrise Nights by Jeff Zentner and Brittany Cavallaro

If you like stories set over a short period of time and/or with constraints that raise the stakes, then this is for you. Set at Sunrise Night, an arts summer camp, the book follows photography-loving Jude and dancer Florence as they spend three magical nights together, with one rule: no contact for a year after those nights.

Each of them is struggling with their place in the world and their lives – Jude with his fears and his parents’ divorce, and Florence with the degenerative eye disease that will prematurely end her career as a dancer – but perhaps these three nights will allow them to become their true selves… and also experience true love.

ugly book coverugly book cover

Unbecoming by Seema Yasmin

This book is available free of charge Not pregnantwhich, despite its adaptation, is, in my opinion, greatly underrated. Books about abortion are rarely humorous, but this book is. That’s why I’m particularly excited about Yasmin’s book.

It’s a not-so-distant America where abortion is illegal. Laylah and Noor, high school students, want to become gynecologists and journalists; right now, however, the two friends are creating an illegal guide to abortion in Texas.

Putting this guide together is not easy, and it’s dangerous. While both girls are passionate about helping others access reproductive health care, their work is complicated by their mosque and a local politician. But together they will stand up and advocate for doing the right thing.

(How awesome is this cover? Both Laylah and Noor look like the tough guys they are).

Want more? Check out this week’s full list of new hardcover young adult releases.

New YA paperback releases

As always with the paperback editions, you may need to switch your view when clicking on the links to go to the paperback edition.

gold-plated book covergold-plated book cover

Gilded by Marissa Meyer

Although the first book in the Guilded duology was released in November 2021, it has not yet been released in paperback. This week, that changes.

Inspired by Rumpelstiltskin, this story is about Serilda, who has been cursed by the god of lies. She tells beautiful stories, but none of them are true. When one of her fantastical tales reaches the sinister Erlking, she is ordered to spin straw into gold or be killed for her lies. Unsure of what to do, Serilda inadvertently summons a mysterious boy to help her, and he is happy to help her for payment.

Now Serilda realizes that terrible things are happening within the castle walls and that she may have to step in and break an ancient curse to save herself and overthrow the king.

The second book in the duology, Cursed, is also out in paperback today, so you can grab the books and read them all in one go.

Heir apparent book coverHeir apparent book cover

Heir apparently from Kara McDowell

Looking for a romantic comedy with a royal theme? Here it is.

Wren is a freshman at Northwestern University who may have accidentally married the King of England. Now it’s summer and she and her friends need to put this mess behind them, but it’s difficult because Theo took their dog. Wren wants to save the dog and when she tries to do just that, her reunion with Theo is caught by the paparazzi. Now the two must fly back to London together. But the plane crashes and now Theo, Wren, Theo’s siblings (including Henry, who he’s always compared to!) and several of Wren’s friends are stuck on a tropical island in the middle of nowhere.

The ragtag group must survive on their own for who knows how long. As difficult as it will be to find their way in a completely unknown land where countless dangers lurk around every corner – injuries, sibling rivalry, wild animals, volcanoes, etc. – the biggest challenge for Wren and Theo will probably be sorting out their feelings for each other.

Note that this book is being released in both paperback and hardback, so you can get it in your preferred format.

Book cover “The King is Dead”Book cover “The King is Dead”

“The King is Dead” by Benjamin Dean

James is the first black heir to the British throne. Although he knows this, he is not prepared for the role after his father’s death. He is too busy with his secret boyfriend.

But the tabloids Are ready and now every single one of James’ secrets is about to become public. But who is feeding the media James’ life story? He begins to feel insecure and doesn’t know who he can trust.

James is determined to find out who betrayed him and restore order to the throne before it is too late.

If that’s not enough, dive into the full list of young adult paperbacks released this week.

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Thanks as always for joining us and we’ll see you again on Thursday.

Until then, enjoy reading!

–Kelly Jensen