
Indonesia: It is time for the UN Security Council to take decisive action against Israel

Indonesia: It is time for the UN Security Council to take decisive action against Israel

Indonesia. Indonesia reiterated its call on the UN Security Council to take decisive action against Israel, saying the Israeli attack on a UN-run school in the Gaza Strip should have been a wake-up call for the body.

Indonesia also demanded the same from countries that support Israel, although Jakarta did not say who exactly they meant.

Israeli forces launched an airstrike on the Al-Jaouni school in central Gaza over the weekend. The school housed displaced Palestinian families. Palestinian officials reported that 16 people were killed in the attack, while Israel claimed the attack was against militants. In a statement from its foreign ministry, Indonesia strongly condemned the “barbaric attack”.

“Israel continues to commit atrocities and violate international law, increasing the number of civilian casualties,” the Indonesian Foreign Ministry said on Monday.

“Are such atrocities still not enough for the UN Security Council and the countries supporting Israel to take decisive action against Israel?” the ministry added.

Since the Gaza war escalated in October 2023, people in the Palestinian enclave have endured countless acts of violence and attacks. The UN Security Council recently passed a US-backed resolution calling for a three-stage ceasefire agreement between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas. This resolution is long overdue after the UN’s main decision-making body had a history of the US – Israel’s most important ally – vetoing ceasefire proposals.

President-elect Prabowo Subianto recently said Indonesia was ready to send peacekeepers to Gaza if the UN requested it. Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said his country would cooperate with Indonesia in the peacekeeping mission. Palestinian UN envoy Riyad Mansour said now may not be the right time for such plans as the main focus is currently on ending the war. However, Palestine will keep the option open, said Mansour. Hamas recently announced it was against the idea of ​​stationing foreign troops in Gaza.

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