
Finn Wolfhard was frustrated by the dubbing before Pinocchio

Finn Wolfhard was frustrated by the dubbing before Pinocchio

Finn Wolfhard found the dubbing “frustrating” before he played the lead role in “Pinocchio”.

The 19-year-old star voices the role of Candlewick in Guillermo del Toro’s stop-motion version of the classic story, but was able to avoid his usual frustration by working with Gregory Mann, who voices Pinocchio.

Finn told Screen Rant, “I had so much fun filming this, especially because I actually got to work in a booth with Gregory for one of the scenes. That helps so much because you get to draw inspiration from someone.”

“When it comes to dubbing, I usually get very frustrated because it’s very hard. Some people are just so good at it, (but) I’ve always been very in my head because I feel like I work best when I’m around other people or getting inspiration from them or whatever.

“When you’re alone in the dressing room, you think, ‘Oh God…’ But Mark (Gustafson) and Guillermo are so good at relaxing me. Yeah, they’re great.”

The new film deals with darker themes than the 1940 Disney version, and Guillermo doesn’t want it to be seen as a children’s film.

He said: “People ask us if it’s for children and we say, ‘It’s not made for children, but children can watch it when their parents talk to them.’

“It’s not a babysitting movie, it’s a movie that makes kids ask questions.”

The film is set in Italy during the rule of fascist dictator Benito Mussolini. Guillermo said this period was deliberately chosen to address the theme of “obedience.”

The director of “Mimic” said, “For me, obedience is when you are told to follow something you don’t understand, be it on a religious or social level. That is a big mistake. Conscious disobedience is always the beginning of the mind, the soul and the self.”

“When I was still a practicing Catholic and had not yet fallen away from the faith as I have today, I thought about where the human soul lies – it lies in freedom of choice. The choice lies in being human.”