
New book examines the history of Roe’s case and the central role of Catholics in the effort – Detroit Catholic

New book examines the history of Roe’s case and the central role of Catholics in the effort – Detroit Catholic

WASHINGTON (OSV News) – In the nearly 50 years between Roe v. Wade and the Supreme Court’s June 2022 decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which overturned the Court’s previous precedent on abortion, abortion opponents argued against the Roe decision, which many of them viewed as a judicial overreach.

But Roe’s decline occurred largely in the last decade of its existence, New York Times Journalists Elizabeth Dias and Lisa Lerer write in their new book “The Fall of Roe: The Rise of a New America.”

The book delves into the history behind Roe v. Wade and examines the role of many Catholics in it.

Dias said OSV News that in an effort to chronicle the events of the last decade with Roe in the books, they “examined the insider strategies behind the scenes of the anti-abortion movement, particularly those of the activists, the conservative women who made the fight against abortion in America their life’s work, and we chronicle their rise, which for many people, especially at the time, was a little bit behind the scenes.”

“We also weave together the story of liberal women who support abortion rights and the leaders of groups like Planned Parenthood, NARAL, etc., and sort of follow these two different storylines,” she added.

The book, a nonpartisan chronicle of the last decade of Roe, includes interviews with relevant actors on both sides of the abortion debate, including those who sought to protect or reverse Roe. It argues that through a combination of strategy and luck, anti-abortion activists used legal and political means to overturn Roe, while pro-abortion activists largely failed to convince their allies on the left that the end of Roe was imminent.

In one section of the book, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reflects on her defeat in the 2016 presidential election, which came as a surprise to many and plays an important role in history as pro-lifers sought to fill offices and judgeships in the subsequent Trump administration.

Clinton accused her party of underestimating anti-abortion activists and of being “surprised” by the groundbreaking Dobbs decision.

“We didn’t take it seriously and didn’t understand the threat,” Clinton said in her party’s book.

The book also notes that Catholic pro-lifers played a major role in the legal and political efforts to overturn Roe. One pro-lifer featured prominently in the book is Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, which advocates for the election of pro-lifers to public office.

The book says Dannefelser felt that other prominent right-wing figures were blaming social problems for the Republicans’ electoral defeat in 2012, so she changed her group’s strategy to ensure political and legal influence for the pro-life movement.

When asked for her opinion on the book, Dannenfelser told OSV News, “The 50-year grassroots movement that led to the defeat of Roe’s death culture is a testament to the unwavering dedication and tireless efforts of the pro-life movement, which is driven by a deep belief in the inherent worth and dignity of every human being.”

“The ability of the pro-life movement to defy all odds despite political pressure and attempts to sideline pro-life issues speaks volumes about the resilience and resolve of our movement,” she said. “We worked together to overturn Roe by holding fast to our mission to protect the unborn and support mothers, and seizing every opportunity to refocus, strategize and renew our commitment to changing culture and policy.”

“The defeat in Roe v. Wade,” she continued, “is a historic victory for the pro-life movement, giving life a chance and ensuring that the voices of the most vulnerable are heard and heeded in the ongoing fight for human dignity and justice. Now, in this post-Roe era, we must show the same persistence and dedication until every child is saved and every mother is supported.”

Dias said Catholic figures played a central role in the story of Roe’s downfall.

“There’s a notion that it was actually evangelicalism that pushed this through, but in reality evangelicals came very late to the anti-abortion movement, and the role of Catholics, particularly white Catholics, white conservative Catholics, was ultimately critical in overturning Roe,” Dias said. “Almost all of the key players that we document and whose stories we share are Catholics.”

Dias added that the book is “a political story, but we also wrote it as a personal story.”

The book includes interviews with pro-life pregnancy counseling and abortion clinic staff and volunteers.

“Yes, this is an investigation and it deals with these big political changes (but) fundamentally this is a story about people, exploring questions about what it means to be human and what it means to be a woman,” she said. “And it’s an intimate story.”

The second anniversary of the Dobbs decision is June 24.