
Meet NOLA TikTok star Reese Jackson, 6, of Chipotle | Entertainment/Life

Meet NOLA TikTok star Reese Jackson, 6, of Chipotle | Entertainment/Life

In New Orleans, food is taken seriously. And it starts early.

A viral video from the restaurant chain Chipotle has taken the social media world by storm: Six-year-old Reese Jackson from New Orleans wholeheartedly recommends its steak salad.

“Oh, they’ve got the right thing,” the boy explains with a serious expression, shaking his head admiringly over a forkful of pureed greens. “It’s going to stay on this earth for a long time. A very long time.”

The short but very sweet video had 3.2 million likes by Thursday morning.

With his big brown eyes sparkling beneath a tan canvas bucket hat and his viral page views, Reese caught the brand’s attention. Chipotle officially partnered with Reese this week and is promoting his video on its platforms.

Reese is a rising first-grader at Our Lady of Perpetual Help School. The family lives in Uptown. We caught up with Reese’s mom, Jessica Jackson, to get to know the little TikTok star better. This short interview has been slightly shortened for space and clarity.

How did Reese and the family get into social media?

I started recording because I liked his reaction so much and the joy he expressed to me and how grateful he is when he gets his food.

We can say that Reese loves to eat! What else does he like to do?

We love to crack jokes, play pranks at dinner and have great conversations over a good meal. I think that’s the bond that binds us together.

Has Reese taken acting lessons? How come he looks so natural in front of the camera?

Reese and I always do plays at home, which is probably why he became such a natural. Reese has never taken acting classes, but I’m very open to furthering his education!

What is Reese’s favorite dish that you cook at home?

One of Reese’s favorite dishes is lamb chops. He is also a huge shrimp fan. He makes me feel so good when he cooks his dishes that I prepare each and every meal with the utmost passion.