
Six songs we’re hearing this week that are probably too woke for Noel Gallagher

Six songs we’re hearing this week that are probably too woke for Noel Gallagher

Well, it’s been another terrible week, but you made it through with your heart, brain, and most of your fingers intact. Oh, we almost forgot about your ears. If the ringing stopped after your neighbor’s marathon fireworks display, you’re probably looking to warm him up again with some new tunes. We’ve got just the thing for you. Here are six new songs to ease your physical and metaphysical woes.

The “Overture” by The Voidz

For the first time in nearly six years, The Voidz are releasing a new album, titled “Like All Before You.” Contrary to the mood of the album’s title, and in typical Voidz fashion, the first single, “Overture,” is a menacing and brooding synth instrumental that definitely doesn’t scare us for the full album. It’s hard to say how much more we’ll hear before the whole thing drops, but we’re writing our wills now, just in case.

Honey glaze ‘Cold Caller’

Someone online recently said we don’t listen to enough British bands. First of all, we don’t care what that person thinks of us. Second of all, it really bothers us that they said that. Especially considering how hyped we are about Honeyglaze’s new LP. Latest single “Cold Caller” is a giddy indie ode to feeling so lonely you’d willingly chat to telemarketers or, in our case, that jerk in our comments section.

Show me the body, “It burns”

It wasn’t the holiday that made us take so long to respond to your emails. We were simply unconscious for 48 hours after hearing Show Me the Body’s new single “It Burns.” My goodness, that’s heavy. Maybe we should learn from our mistakes and make sure we’re in a place with plenty of padding before the synth bass kicks in. It’s a blast and dangerously close to knocking you out of your favorite pair of jeans.

The world is a beautiful place and I’m not afraid to die anymore ‘Kersed (Ceremony Cover)’

We’ll have to keep this brief, as the band name takes up nearly half of our allotted word count, but damn, TWIABP’s cover of Ceremony’s “Kersed” is just beautiful. While there has always been a hardcore leaning in even the softest sounds of TWIABP, to hear it laid out so blatantly and with such power is truly something special. The old saying is true, even sad boys know how to open the abyss.

The Campesinos! ‘km’

It’s been nearly a decade since indie pop legends Los Campesinos! released a record, and that silent period is about to end with a new album, All Hell, in a few weeks. On final single “kms,” keyboardist Kim Paisey handles most of the lead vocals, adding a gentle edge to the suburban emo malaise. It’s the kind of track that inspires multiple diary entries you don’t want to admit you have.

Mechanical Dog “Mechanical Dog Saves Emo”

You’re right to be suspicious of that song title, but Philadelphia-based DIY punks known as Mechanical Canine might actually be able to pull it off. The first single from their upcoming third LP, “To My Chagrin,” is a killer. It’s a catchy track that requires multiple listens – especially if you want to get lost in that beautiful outro on the Bandcamp version. Thanks for being the emo saviors nobody asked for but desperately needed, Mechanical Canine.

We know six songs aren’t enough to fill the void, so we’ve compiled these and probably many more into one huge and confusing playlist. Click here Here to like, follow and never be left alone with your thoughts again.