
Michigan Alzheimer’s Association calls for continued efforts beyond Alzheimer’s Awareness Month – 95.3 MNC

Michigan Alzheimer’s Association calls for continued efforts beyond Alzheimer’s Awareness Month – 95.3 MNC

June was Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, but the Michigan Alzheimer’s Association believes these issues should be a priority year-round.

More than 200,000 Michiganders over age 65 are living with Alzheimer’s disease—though only about half receive a doctor’s diagnosis. This can delay necessary care and planning for the future.

Kathryn Ribant Payne, communications director for the Alzheimer’s Association of Michigan, said this year the focus is on educating the public on how to take control of their brain health.

She said if there is cause for concern, early diagnosis is crucial.

“We are in an era of treatment where treatments are coming to market that require early diagnosis,” Ribant Payne said. “So if people are seeing cognitive decline that they or their family members have noticed, we strongly encourage them to talk to their doctor.”

Ribant Payne said up to 40% of dementia cases could be caused by risk factors that a person could change by developing healthy habits.

This includes challenging yourself by learning new things and staying in school.

Not smoking, regular exercise and proper management of other conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure also improve brain health.

She said it was important to protect your head during activities such as cycling by wearing a helmet – as well as eating a healthy diet and getting a good night’s sleep.

She added that if you think it’s too late to improve your routine, you’re wrong.

“The things we talk about in terms of healthy habits are not something you have to start doing in your twenties to make a difference,” Ribant Payne said. “Any little thing you can start doing at any point in time will impact your health in a way that can produce positive results.”

Ribant Payne stressed that it is crucial for caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients to take a break and seek help themselves.

Michigan leads the nation in the number of hours of care work – and about two-thirds of the state’s caregivers report suffering from a chronic illness due to the stress.