
Another Saturday night – a bit of this “and” that

Another Saturday night – a bit of this “and” that

Welcome to another Saturday night full of music, memories and conversation!

Quick reminder: Please continue to include the featured artist’s name in your comments along with your song. Those of us on mobile? We really appreciate it. And people using screen readers need this to identify the video.

You know how it works – throw your quarter in the slot and your song in the comments. That’s your Saturday night jukebox and the party starts NOW!

So I mAS I will do a 4th of July theme, but tmo DayS after the fact SeemS a little… I don’t knowm…. disappointing? Unnecessaryssary? So inSTea, tonight’S Topic IS The Word “And” (“Connection Connection, mCap’S this function?”)I originally hadSconsidered it asS from Slong titleSbut it morcS for meSical ActSAS mell. Will drop a fewm ExampleS—not that I think you don’t understand—butSt to get the ball rolling…. and alSoh becauseI prefer not to post much when I’m hosting. And before I forget: ampersands count!

If you didn’t knowm that me mAS becomes Scake mwith the ClaSh, you are probably nem to aSN – in mthat canSe, mWelcome!

The ClaSh :: Police and thiefS (Junior Murvin cover)

DeSDespite the diary title, the ‘and’ doesSnot have be limited to the connection only tmÖ categoryS. To mIt:

Ian Dury :: SEx & DrugsS & Rock & Roll

And aS I SHelp above, here’S one mhere the ‘and’ iS in the name of the MuSical act, aS mell aS The Slong title.

ElviS CoStello and the attractionS :: (BCap’S So Funny fight) Peace, love and unitySstand?

Thanks toS in advance to everyone who is here and participating! To quote PhiSh from its publication on The SgnomeSAtS: