
Strike by education groups changes Biden’s plans for Pennsylvania

Strike by education groups changes Biden’s plans for Pennsylvania

President Joe Biden is scheduled to campaign in Pennsylvania on Sunday.

Biden was originally scheduled to speak to the National Education Association in Philadelphia on Sunday, but the campaign canceled the plans after the group announced a strike on Friday. The president would not break a strike line, the campaign said.

He will still be in Pennsylvania this weekend, but details have not been announced.

After a poor performance in the debate, Biden is now fighting to save his imperiled re-election. He is holding a rally in Wisconsin and giving a televised interview there on Friday. Every answer he gives is sure to be scrutinized for evidence of his competence and suitability for the office.

The interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos could be a turning point for Biden. The questioning is expected to be intense and in-depth, and Biden’s team says he has prepared extensively for it.

Meanwhile, his re-election campaign is combining his in-person events this month with a new $50 million advertising campaign.

Biden will travel to southwestern states, including Nevada, after hosting the NATO summit in Washington next week, the campaign team said Friday.

He will continue to focus his travels on the so-called “Blue Wall” states – Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan – which have played a crucial role for him in the past.

Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, First Lady Jill Biden and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff are scheduled to travel to all swing states this month. As part of a new $17 million campaign, organizers plan to knock on more than three million doors in July and August to speak to voters in person.


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