
Not the voice of Jasper County veterans – Newton Daily News

Not the voice of Jasper County veterans – Newton Daily News

I was one of the first veterans in Jasper County to meet Administrator Alyssa Wilson. Her arrival in Jasper County was less than ideal as many felt she could not do the job since she was not a veteran herself. She never promised us veterans anything other than that she would fight tooth and nail to ensure we receive our benefits. I supported her in 2022 when the Board of Supervisors and a commissioner did not want her as administrator and I continue to support her.

I attended the commission meeting in May, where about 35 veterans from all eras came to support Wilson. We have watched her struggle to meet the demands placed on the office since she arrived. She and the commission have been rebuffed by the board of directors every time they have asked for additional help. Those elected or appointed to represent us have failed Wilson and in turn failed us.

When I read the recent Newton News article about the June meeting, I was outraged. How could Commissioner Spangenberg think it was acceptable to take the burden of veteran suicides on her shoulders? Even more infuriating is that Chairman Jerry Nelson allowed Commissioner Spangenberg to speak to Wilson like that and then reminded her that her office works for her. This is NOT the voice of Jasper County veterans, nor how we want to be represented.

It has become clear that Commissioners Ed Spangenberg and Jerry Nelson have forgotten that they, like Administrator Wilson, work for us, the veterans of Jasper County. The antics of the Jasper County Veterans Commission are unacceptable and require immediate change. If Commissioners Ed Spangenberg and Jerry Nelson do not resign before the July meeting, the Board of Supervisors must fire them and immediately appoint veterans who have the same ideas and voice as the veterans of Jasper County.

Dick Couch

Vietnam Veteran