
Light Collective announces third book on women in entertainment lighting — TPi

Light Collective announces third book on women in entertainment lighting — TPi

Light Collective will publish a third book in the series, Collected Light Volume Three: Women in Entertainment Lighting, in November 2024.

Light Collective, a UK-based lighting consultancy, has worked with light in many formats over the past 25 years. In addition to architectural lighting design, the company is known for its role as a lighting activist in the lighting industry. This has ranged from guerrilla lighting demonstrations around the world, showing the global community the transformative impact of light in cities, to the Women In Lighting networking project, created to raise awareness and celebrate the achievements of women working with light.

The Women In Lighting initiative has led Light Collective to curate this third book, titled Women In Entertainment Lighting. Women working in this field are in the minority and often go unappreciated. This book is a small step to correct this unfair imbalance. During the research for the book, Light Collective connected with many women working in this field around the world.

The new book will be launched as part of the Women In Lighting Entertainment Sessions on 20 November 2024 at an exclusive party hosted by Ayrton at their showroom in Paris. All 65 contributors featured in the publication from around the world are invited to attend. Speakers at the launch include Clementine Fletcher-Smith from the UK, who will talk about light and architecture, Clara Daguin on her work with light and fashion, and Christina Thanasoula on lighting design for theatre. Light Collective will speak about the book at PLASA, London, and LDI, Las Vegas.

Ayrton’s decision to join the Women In Lighting initiative as a new sponsor has enabled Light Collective to broaden its focus from celebrating the professional achievements of women in architectural lighting to those in entertainment and live events. The aim of this book is to raise awareness of the featured designers in the hope that it will provide support, encouragement and inspiration to the next generation of women who want to work in the sector.

Contributors featured in the book include: Alita Escobedo, Amy D Lux, Anna Turra, Anne Militello, Averil Bott, Bethany Gupwell, Beverly Emmons, Cara Hood, Cat Tate Starmer, Celine Royer, Christina Thanasoula, Danielle Feinberg, Daphne Ting-Yu Chu, Diana Kesselschmidt, Domino Mannheim, Elanor Higgins, Elena Armellini, Elisabetta Campanelli, Eliza Alexandropoulou, Ellen Ruge, Emily Bornt, Emma Weil, Erica D Hayes, Erica Lauren Maholmes, Eve Radwan, Fiametta Baldiserri, Heather Carson, Hema Maskowitz, Hetall Dedhhia, I – Hua Kao, Iga Pop, Jennifer Tipton, Jessica Greenberg, Jessica Hung Han Yun, Karla Lopez, Kat Borderud, Kathy A Perkins, Lauren King, Liliana Ladeluca, Lola Barroso, Lucy Carter, Luisa Fanciullacci Sodergren, Maria T. Mendoza, Mary J. Varher, Megumi Yatabe, Mildred M. Moyo, Natalie Heckl, Natalie Wreyford, Paule Constable, Peggy Eisenhauer, Po-Hsin Liu, Randiane Aalberg Sandboe, Rie Uomori, Roma Flowers, Sian James-Holland, Sooner Routhier, Stacey Boggs, Subul Lodi, Susan M. Nicholson, Tess Minor, Tiffany Spicer Keys, Yana Rits, Yang Yu, Zoe Dirse.