
Jerry and Elaine Topola were honored by Love Your Yard

Jerry and Elaine Topola were honored by Love Your Yard

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Devon Communities in Bloom is pleased to announce that Jerry and Elaine Topola’s yard at 18 Pembina Street has been selected for “Love Your Yard!”

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The following description of the farm was provided by Elaine:

We have lived in our home for 36 years and during that time our garden has changed according to the needs of our family.

The front garden was transformed about 20 years ago into the low maintenance rock garden you see today. It used to be just grass and had a steep slope at the front that was difficult to mow with a lawn mower. The larger stones were found buried when we dug up the grass and dug them into the slope to create the retaining wall. We decided to save the stones and reuse them. When we first laid the gravel as landscaping in our garden, everyone thought we were crazy – now it’s becoming more common as it’s both beautiful and easy to maintain. Every year we add a little here and there. Last year we replaced some of the older shrubs with new flowering ones.

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The backyard has been remodeled many times as we love to work and hang out there. Years ago when the kids were little it was a playground and a big garden. When they got older and didn’t need the playground anymore we decided to put in a stream and remodel the whole yard. That stream is definitely my favorite part of the yard. Now the garden is just a few vegetable pots and herbs. The rest of the backyard is just as low maintenance as the front yard and serves as a retreat for both of us.

A stream brings zen to Topola’s backyard. (Included)

Although our garden requires little maintenance, we still need to water it. To do this, we use rainwater that we collect in a barrel in the backyard.

The stream that runs through the backyard is a pleasant focal point. It attracts all kinds of birds and the beautiful sound of the trickling water dulls the street noise. We love our garden and enjoy its tranquility in all seasons.

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