
Mofoluke and Oluwaseyi found love on Valentine’s Day!

Mofoluke and Oluwaseyi found love on Valentine’s Day!

What better day to meet the love of your life than Valentine’s Day? 🥰 Mofoluke And Oluwaseyi were introduced to each other on this special day of love and their story has been a beautiful journey ever since.

From the first phone call that lasted several hours to a super exciting first date, their bond grew stronger with each passing day. Now they will spend the rest of their lives together and we are beyond excited. Their pre-wedding photos are a testament to their sweet love and show how perfect they are for each other. We are definitely keeping our fingers crossed for them as they embark on this journey of bliss.

Enjoy their pre-wedding shoot and love story below:

Their love story, told by Mofoluke:

Seyi and I were introduced on Valentine’s Day and although I thought it was cliche, he sounded great and I thought we could be friends. Our first conversation surprised me; we talked for hours and it seemed like the easiest thing to do. We live in different states so we talked on the phone every day for months before we had our first date. I was preparing and nervous to meet him in person. I wasn’t sure if our feelings and connection over the phone would come across in person. We went out to eat and I remember the nervousness went away once we started talking.

The conversation was very entertaining and we chatted until the restaurant closed for the evening and then went to a bar until that too closed! Our friendship has only grown since then. His intention and kindness, not only towards me, never ceases to disarm me. Knowing how important family is to me, when my parents visited him he mentioned that he was going to visit them and suggested we go out to dinner with my sister. I suspected nothing and said sure. Imagine my surprise when, instead of going out to dinner, he proposed to me in front of the people who mean the most to me. I said yes and began our first steps towards eternity.

Their love story, told by Oluwaseyi:

Our love story began on Valentine’s Day, although we didn’t officially speak until the following week. At the time, I was enjoying the benefits of being single and had planned a solo trip for Valentine’s Day. During my trip, one of my mentors checked in with me and joked about my nonexistent love life. He told me about an incredible young lady I should definitely meet. To be honest, I had doubts; she sounded too good to be true and I had promised myself a time of peace of mind. After my trip, I decided to give it a try with an open mind and she completely blew me away (and still does).

Our first phone call lasted for hours and set the tone for all the conversations that followed. The laughter, the discussions and even our friendly arguments from different perspectives became the highlights of my day. I realized that she was the peace I had been looking for. We had our ups and downs but all of this proved that there was no one I would rather be with. After making my decision, I called the boys and we went ring shopping. Being a Nigerian and knowing how important family is to Mofoluke, I took the crucial step of meeting her parents and officially asking for their blessings. With their blessings, I asked her to spend the rest of her life with me.


bride: @foluke_o
groom: @doc_seyi
planner: @temsdelightevents
stylist: @theluxbride
photography: @mesus.studios
Form: @mobolla_mua
Barber: @touchedbynance
Location: @interconbarclay