
Fans of George Michael call cafe toilet the “most iconic of all time” – with memorial to deceased singer

Fans of George Michael call cafe toilet the “most iconic of all time” – with memorial to deceased singer

A social media user has shared footage of her visit to the LG Cafe in Arundel, West Sussex, which bizarrely features a toilet dedicated to the late pop superstar George Michael.

A toilet cafe in honor of George Michael is a huge success on TikTok((AFP via Getty Images)

We’re all familiar with bars and hotel rooms reserved for the rich and famous, but imagine making a quick trip to the bathroom only to find it decorated in honor of your favorite pop star.

That’s what happened to a TikTok user who ran into the LG Cafe in Arundel, West Sussex, to spend a penny – and came across a shrine dedicated to the late George Michael. Sharing a clip of the toilet, the woman declared: “The most iconic toilet ever. I think George Michael would have loved it.”

The video, which has been viewed nearly a million times, begins with a shot of the door to the premises, which is decorated with the former Wham frontman, who died in 2016 at the age of 53. Looking inside, one can see walls hung with newspapers and magazines belonging to the Club Tropicana singer.

Hits from George’s career blare from the speakers and disco balls spin around the room. The toilet is nothing short of that – cult. “The song changes every time you go in!” the woman added enthusiastically.

Dozens of TikTok users wrote in the comments section that if they visited the cafe they would be tempted to spend “the whole night” in the bathroom. “I have to go there! How cool is that?!” raved one George fan.

“I just wouldn’t leave that toilet all night!” joked another. A third agreed: “Oh my god, I would just spend the whole night in that toilet.” And a fourth praised: “This is so amazing! I love George. I would dance in there all night.”

Scores more, meanwhile, suggested playing George’s song “Outside” on repeat – as he wrote it in response to being caught in a public toilet with another man. The incident, which occurred before he had come out about his sexuality, led to his arrest in California in 1998 – while Outside’s video mocked the incident later that year.