
Our Voice: Freedom, the Flag and the 4th of July – by Jan Wondra

Our Voice: Freedom, the Flag and the 4th of July – by Jan Wondra

As we write this, some of the freedoms and rights that were “settled law” for up to 50 years are beginning to crumble. It has been two years since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, which for 50 years upheld women’s fundamental right to reproductive freedom. How can it be that our highest court apparently believes the government has the right to dictate what women can and cannot do with their bodies, but seems unwilling to support the “red flag laws” that would keep assault weapons away from suicidal and homicidal people – who often turn those weapons on their families and friends?

Just in the past few weeks, the Supreme Court has continued its “originalist” assault on rights we believe are guaranteed by our Constitution, issuing decisions that have struck down gun laws that would prevent civilians from owning machine guns, and weakened the law enforcement agencies that keep our air and water clean and protect our country’s natural resources (thereby giving more power to courts and judges who are not necessarily experts in the field).

There are increasing attempts by far-right extremists to redefine “religion” as Christian nationalism. It is NOT religion – it is a political power struggle using pseudo-religious language to justify telling others what is acceptable to believe.

As the world descended into the autocratic horrors of World War II, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt outlined the Four Freedoms – freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from want, and freedom from fear. These symbolized America’s war aims and gave the American people a mantra to hold on to during the war. It was a time of unity.

There has been a lot of fuss recently about a certain Supreme Court Justice and a certain upside down American flag flying over his house and the significance of that act. In our opinion, our flag or our constitutional rights should not be disrespected.

Our AVV Veteran reporter and Musings columnist Dan Smith posted a photo in our AVV Crew this morning, refuting the importance and attitude of this judge. Dan’s message: “I’m only flying my flag on the Fourth – everyone’s flag.”

As we approach the November parliamentary elections in the 248th year of our country’s independence, many believe we are on a dangerous, autocratic precipice. Here at AVVWe believe that democracy is worth defending. But defending it is not just our task, it is the task of every single citizen.