
How the New Moon in Cancer affects the love horoscope of each zodiac sign on July 5, 2024

How the New Moon in Cancer affects the love horoscope of each zodiac sign on July 5, 2024

When you can appreciate your emotional reactions and needs, you can also see more clearly which direction you need to move in for improvement or fulfillment. Your emotions matter. This part of you is the culmination of your truth and the reason why talking yourself into love or even swearing it off never works. Only when you embrace and appreciate this inner compass within you can you determine exactly what you need to do in your love life.

This awareness is heightened around the New Moon in Cancer on Friday, as you are encouraged to let your emotions guide you toward the fresh start you’ve been dreaming of.

Let’s see how this energy affects your zodiac sign’s love horoscope on July 5, 2024.


It’s been a long road, Aries, but you must acknowledge that this particularly challenging chapter is almost over. A new beginning is coming that will bring you more romantic fulfillment, but also peace in your home and your overall personal life. Take time to reflect on your feelings, but don’t forget to plant the seeds of what you want for this new era of your life.

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You need to allow yourself to be more emotional, Taurus. Even though you’re more of a show of love type, you also need to remember that sometimes you just need words to express how much you’re loved. Take the time to use words of affirmation and let your partner know how much you love them so you can feel a new beginning of a stronger connection forming.

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The love you dream of is also the love you deserve, Gemini. But you must not doubt what you deserve, especially not to the extent that you simply have to accept everything that is offered to you. Try to raise the standards of your love and try to realize that this will ultimately lead to a better relationship. You may have to deal with some recent events in your relationship that have not left you feeling good, but by doing so you can create a fresh start where you get exactly what you are worth.

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Dear Cancer, this is your Moon, which means it’s also your chance to step out of the shadows of your past and show the world who you really are. This is your chance to leave your coping strategies or even your previous way of dealing with love behind you so you can become the person who can attract a love that can actually last forever. Be gentle with yourself, but don’t be afraid to ask yourself how you can be better.

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Your dreams will be especially powerful, Leo, as they will help guide you to your heart. Try not to dismiss dreams as simply meaningless, and whether they are about a specific person or even some type of relationship, realize that you are being guided by your innermost feelings. It’s okay to let love be magical and realize that sometimes your soul’s intuition doesn’t follow logic.

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If you want to feel more supported by your partner, Virgo, you can only achieve that if you ask for it. Instead of holding a grudge or simply thinking that there’s no point in bringing it up, try to feel encouraged to improve the situation. Let your partner know exactly how much you want to be loved, give them examples too, and trust that your partner will do their best – because that’s what love really is.

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You may meet an interesting person today at work or on an educational trip, dear Libra. This divine encounter can help you reorient your path and even take you in a completely different direction. You just have to be careful not to cling too tightly to the past, or you may miss this new opportunity to expand your life.

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The world is waiting, Scorpio, so what are you waiting for? It’s time to open your life and your heart and live the way you want. Forget about obligations or even limitations and instead truly believe that you can have anything you want. Use this to plan that trip you’ve been dreaming of or even say yes to that date. It’s time to live like you already have the life and love of your dreams.

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Change is a beautiful thing, Sagittarius, and it’s time to allow yourself to grow. There have been recent disagreements in your relationship that have led to feelings of disconnection. Even though you’ve tried to move on and hope that things will automatically get better, that doesn’t mean that things will. Take time to consciously reconnect with your partner, discuss the changes in your life, and be open to finding a way forward together.

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Open yourself up to love, Capricorn. This is a beautiful time in your romantic relationship as you are being pushed to make a fresh start. Whether it’s a new commitment or just the feeling of lightness of a new chapter in your relationship, you’re being given the gift of refocusing your energy and simply enjoying this loving partnership in your life – just don’t let anything dissuade you from doing so.

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The better you feel, Aquarius, the better you can approach your relationship. You need to take a step back now and focus more on yourself. Whether you need time to process recent events, catch up on sleep, or even spend a day at the seaside – give yourself that time. Focus on creating a sense of inner security within yourself, and then let that serve as a new and hopefully more peaceful beginning to your relationship.

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Something big is starting now, Pisces, and it’s a relationship that will impact the rest of your life. Pay close attention to conversations, divine encounters, and even the time you spend with your partner today, because this energy is all about commitment, marriage, and the everlasting love you’ve been dreaming of. Try to go into this new phase with a willingness to change your life, and trust that it will happen in the best possible way.

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Kate Rose is a writerspiritual astrologer, intuitive relationship and life coach and curator of tailor-made retreats.