
Why doesn’t The New Republic take action against seditious hires?

Why doesn’t The New Republic take action against seditious hires?

Why doesn’t The New Republic take action against seditious hires?

A scene from the anti-Israel protest that took place in front of the exhibition “Nova: October 7, 6:29 a.m., the moment the music stopped” in New York City on June 10, 2024. Photo: Screenshot

Some journalists report what they see and hear on the ground, while others report what they want to see or hear. It is unfortunate when this happens and it is particularly common in today’s media.

Talia Jane (or Talia Ben-Ora) belongs to the latter category.

Jane (who identifies with the pronouns they/them) is an Associate Writer for The New Republic; their work for the publication is marked as “Breaking News”.

However, much of this content is not necessarily breaking news, nor is it written as such. By using sarcastic and untruthful headlines, Jane succeeds in attracting attention, but irresponsibly misleads readers.

Jane continually oversteps the boundaries of her authority as a journalist by supporting heinous anti-Israel activities (and behavior toward Jews) and presenting them as legitimate resistance to the Israeli “occupation.”

at the beginning of June Jewish InsiderGabby Deutch published a detailed article about Jane, revealing that The New RepublicThe newest employee is an angry anti-Zionist. It seems that Jane also has Jewish roots.

Deutch’s article was about this disgusting article that Jane wrote for The New Republic on June 14, defending the recent anti-Israel protests at the Nova Exhibit in New York. The author of the “Breaking News” claimed that the protests were not anti-Semitic in nature.

Here are some excerpts from this protest.

The TNR The journalist also refuses to accept the actual definition of Zionism as the right of the Jewish people to self-determination in their ancestral homeland. Jane defended this now-expelled student from Columbia University who led anti-Israel protests on campus:

In April, Jane called it “crazy” that the White House criticized a Columbia University student who said on social media that Zionists deserved to die because “Zionism is synonymous with ethnonationalist supremacy and *not* Judaism.”

Since Deutch’s article was published on June 20, Jane’s behavior has not changed; this “journalist” and activist continues to share despicable comments and reposts on X (formerly Twitter). And this despite TNR The assurance quoted in the article from magazine editor Michael Tomasky states that the magazine is “working to resolve the situation.”

Jane used X to defend the anti-Israel protesters, with a Hamas flag clearly visible in the image:

Jane also reposted a donation link from the Hamas-run Gaza municipality’s X-account.

It is a miracle that after the fierce backlash to Jane’s post more than two weeks ago, TNRs The editors in chief allowed this journalist to remain on their team. The only thing they seemed to be able to accomplish was a disclaimer at the beginning of the article in question.

Although Jane’s articles have been more focused on US politics in recent weeks, that does not change the behavior that still occurs online. TNR Do you condone this type of rhetoric and biased, unprofessional behavior to define your reputation?

The author is a staff writer for HonestReporting, a Jerusalem-based media watchdog that focuses on anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias – where a version of this article first appeared.