
Viral artist Rosa Linn just released her first Indian collaboration in Hindi and here’s everything you need to know about the song!

Viral artist Rosa Linn just released her first Indian collaboration in Hindi and here’s everything you need to know about the song!

First of all, congratulations to universeIt’s one of the most touching songs we’ve heard in a long time! How did this wonderful collaboration come about?

Thank you very much! We wanted to make different versions of universe in different languages. And Hindi was on our “must do” list because I have a lot of support from Indian fans. Working with Denny was very genuine. I wanted to hear some traditional Indian elements in the production. He sent me a beautiful version very quickly after our first call! I just had to make sure I sounded good in it.

You are Armenian and don’t speak Hindi. How did you manage not only to sing in an unknown language but also to hit the right emotional notes?

I love foreign languages. I think they can give the same song a completely different sound and it’s almost like using a different musical instrument with your voice. This was my first time singing in Hindi, yes, but Denny helped me a lot.

The track uses a nice mix of modern contemporary and traditional instrumentation – how did this sound come about?

Cycle made universe sounds magical. He is one of the best producers now and it was an absolute honor to work with him on this song!

How was it working with Denny?

I loved working with Denny. He is very talented and just a good person in general.