
Statesboro’s Parking Lot Coffee Club gives free “bad advice”

Statesboro’s Parking Lot Coffee Club gives free “bad advice”

Earlier this week, we published an article about Georgia Secretary of Agriculture Tyler Harper’s visit to Statesboro and his meeting with the Parking Lot Coffee Club. While readers are always excited when state leaders visit Statesboro, the questions we get asked most often revolve around the interest and intrigue surrounding the club itself.

The Parking Lot Coffee Club is a unique group that certainly deserves a story of its own – or at least an explanation for why retired businessmen meet daily in a parking lot.

This informal gathering takes place in the former Kmart parking lot, where a diverse group of retirees meet to swap stories, be camaraderie, and occasionally offer dubious advice.

Senator Billy Hickman introduces Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Tyler Harper at a meeting. DeWayne Grice

While this scenario may sound like the beginning of a Lewis Grizzard article or a Jerry Clower story (if you don’t know who these two are, you might want to stop reading now), it’s actually not fiction, but reality. The club has become an integral part of the local community, combining humor with real social bonds.

Mind you, there is a lot of fiction told at these meetings. The line between fact and fiction often blurs as members tell their stories. Nevertheless, the stories are compelling and the friendships strong. The atmosphere is reminiscent of an old-fashioned meeting at a general store, where you can feel the pulse of community in the banter and laughter among friends.

These visitors come seeking wisdom but often leave with what members affectionately call “bad advice.”

Jimmie DeLoachone of the club members humorously remarked, “We are here six days a week trying to solve the world’s problems, or maybe even create world problems. We have a habit of giving bad advice, but it’s free. The number one rule of the club is not to take ourselves too seriously and just enjoy each other’s company.”

One member shared that they have a lot of opinions and since their wives aren’t interested in hearing them, this club at least gives them a chance to share their thoughts with someone else. The club serves as a sounding board for ideas, opinions and the odd tall tale and fosters a sense of community and togetherness among its members.

Member Charles Sikes took the initiative and designed T-shirts for members that added a humorous touch to their gatherings. Jimmie Deloach, pictured wearing one of these T-shirts, proudly displayed the message: “Farm Fresh Bull, Made Daily, Grade A Quality, Locally Produced.”

This playful slogan perfectly sums up the spirit of the club: light-hearted, humorous and deeply rooted in the local culture.

Jimmie Deloach (in the green shirt) speaks to the club. DeWayne Grice

According to local legend, they don’t meet at a restaurant on a regular basis because all the restaurants they have met at, including Snooky’s and Vandy’s in the mall, have apparently closed. Even their current meeting is taking place in the parking lot of a closed business.

Jimmie DeLoach would not deny or confirm the local legends, but shared that the Coffee Club has been meeting for some time and during COVID they moved to the parking lot and have remained there. They meet early in the morning six days a week, unless it’s too cold or raining, then they move to Dairy Queen.

The more loyal members include Jimmie Deloach Richard Mallard, Charles Sikes, Jappy Stringer, Walt StricklandD, Derrick Duke, Donald Nessmith, Ed Nelson And Tim Peabody. Deloach noticed that the number of participants fluctuates; eventually they meet in a parking lot.

Over time, the Parking Lot Coffee Club has become more than just a meeting place; it has evolved into a cherished tradition. The members’ dedication to their daily gatherings, regardless of the weather or season, speaks volumes about the bonds they have formed. The club represents a piece of American culture where the values ​​of friendship, community and humor are celebrated every day.

At a time when digital interactions often replace face-to-face conversations, the Parking Lot Coffee Club is a testament to the enduring value of personal connections, reminding us that sometimes the best advice (even if it’s “bad advice”) doesn’t come from experts or professionals, but from friends who meet in a parking lot to share stories and laughs over a cup of coffee.